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What pain reliever can I use while taking Abilify!?


LaurieShay 14 Aug 2011

Hey robert moss,

Any of the over the counter pain relievers are ok to take such as acetominophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Advil) while taking Abilify. There are also the opiate pain relievers that you would have to have a prescription for that you can take with Abilify as long as you take as directed. If you have a particular pain reliever is mind that you are concerned about, please tell us and I would be happy to check for interactions.

Best wishes,


Votes: +1
robert moss 14 Aug 2011

Thank you Laurie,I thought I could use the Tylenol,but my nose has swole about tmice it's size.I.m going to my thte A.M.

robert moss 14 Aug 2011

I thought i did this.,I used tylenol cause my nose was hurting now its swole almost twice its size its killing me.plan to see the Dr. in the A.M. But its not the tylenol Laurie!

LaurieShay 14 Aug 2011

Oh my, I'm confused. Did this start after you took the tylenol or did something else happen. Is there a rash or swelling anywhere else? I doubt the Tylenol with the Abilify caused this. I'm glad you are going to the doctor in the morning. Try to keep your head elavated while you are laying down and ice your nose for 20 minutes at a time three times a day maximum may help. Good luck!! free discount card

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abilify, pain

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