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What is tramadol made up of? Narcotic and analgesic alike?


Official Answer by 6 May 2011

Tramadol hydrochloride is a centrally acting synthetic analgesic.
The chemical name is (±) cis-2-[(dimethylamino)methyl]­-1-(3-methoxyphenyl) cyclohexanol hydrochloride.
Tramadol is not considered a narcotic although it is similar to morphine and there have been reports of dependence and addiction.

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jk13 6 May 2011

Ultram / Tramadol is an Opioid as it hits on the Opioid sensors. It is a completely synthetic opiate in the same class as is methadone, however it is actually an SNRI that acts much much quicker than the other SNRI drugs, and obviously is the only one that acts in the way that it does. The pain killing effects are really quite low, generally considered to be equal to codeine, although it's actually a tad less strong. Tramadol is one of the very few Opioids that actually work on nerve pain making it a medication that is often tried for treating fibromyalgia (Methadone also works on nerve pain, but is much much much stronger).

The word Narcotic is one that generally isn't used anymore in the medical profession, unless the doctor wants to put a negative spin on a medication. Originally, Narcotic meant any drug that acts as a depressant, and often was used to reference the Opioids in particular, although technically it included the benzos, alcohol, and barbituates. Today, the DEA uses the word to describe any drug that can be used recreationally, making Coke, CrystalMeth, LSD, and many many other drugs Narcotics. This would also mean that due to the fact that Tramadol has a slight abuse potential, even though it's not even a scheduled drug a Narcotic.

Hope that this answers any questions that you may have had regarding the med! Sincerely,

Jeff K

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