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What is this pill - with 'wellcome h2b' imprint?


sudhir560 14 Jan 2013

Possibly this pill was given to me quite mistakenely by the medical store in place of another drug kbown as DAPSONE. This dapsone is used to treat skin problems related to allergy from gluten. I still would want to know myself about this drug called H2B Wellcome whether this could be an alternative to dapsone. Going by the available info (which is close to nothing), it doesn't appear to be so...

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aishwa 21 Jan 2013

so whats the name of this pil H2B WELLCOME imprinted

sudhir560 2 Feb 2013

On further rechecking with medical store (as well as the doctor) this tablet marked with WELCOME H2B did turn out to be DAPSONE. This has active chemical by the name of Diaminodiphenyl Sulphone. DAPSONE is used for treatment of leprosy and some other skin ailments. This particular tablet is manufactured GSK (Glaxo Smithkline). Hope this clarifies some doubts on this drug.

aishwa 19 Feb 2013

ok are you sure and if taking it for pimples is it safe as it is given for lepros

aishwa 20 Feb 2013

thanks can you tell me the sure name of that medicine like is dapsone 25 mg etc

aishwa 20 Feb 2013

what is the exact name of that pill in which H2b wellcome is imprinted.what should i ask in the medical store as i want the exact your doctor from mumbai

sudhir560 25 Feb 2013

This pill was prescribed by doctor as Dapsone 25 mg and the medical store had it in a bottle of 1000 tablets lebelled as Dapsone. Although it was given for some skin condition (severe itching and rashes) to try out for leprosy and gluten allergy but since later on these proved to be not the case, the doses didn't work at all. On the contrary the symptoms got more severe (because the problem was not at all of leprosy or gluten allergy). After a biopsy (whih was simultaneously sent to labs) it was later diagnosed as some lichenoid keratosis and also perivascular chronic dermititis (eczema). Therefore Dapsone subsequently was discontinued and proper medicines were then prescribed. Actually Dapsone was only given as a trial for a condition which later proved not to be the case. Hope this clarifies your query.

aishwa 25 Feb 2013

thanks a lot you are sure that ,wellcome h2b , is imprinted on dapsone pill sorry to irritate you like this but do reply

Plain Jane 28 July 2010

Is this a US pill? I have not found anything in our US databases that match.

Votes: +0
richi00 29 July 2010

pill from india

aishwa 16 March 2012

its from india, the manufacturer is gsk
does anyone know the name of this medicine
even i am from india

aishwa 16 March 2012

for what you are taking this pill free discount card

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