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What is the usual adult dose of Ritalin?

4 Answers

MARCORL06 1 May 2023

I just switched to Ritalin from Adderall after 20 yrs due to the shortage we’ve had. I actually feel like I get better results with Ritalin and less up and down like I got from Adderall IR. Regardless with either drug I can take a full dose eat a pizza and nod out and get great sleep. Do all people with ADD or ADHD have this reaction to stimulant drugs?

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WildcatVet 14 Nov 2022

It depends on what condition you're being treated for and your response to the medication up to a maximum of 60mg/day. Some people may only need a low dose to control their symptoms but others may require higher doses.
Everybody responds differently so there really is no usual dose.

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scoomah 14 Nov 2022

30mg total

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Rajive Goel 11 Aug 2010

The dose of Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride) the doctor prescribes will vary, depending on a number of factors, including:

* Your age
* Other narcolepsy or ADHD medications you may have tried
* Other medical conditions you may have
* Other medications you may be taking.

Dose of Ritalin for ADHD and Narcolepsy
For children age six and over, Ritalin should be started at 5 mg twice daily (before breakfast and lunch). If necessary, your child's health care provider may slowly increase the dose up to Ritalin 60 mg per day.

For adults with narcolepsy, the total dosage of Ritalin per day is usually 20 mg to 30 mg (divided into two or three doses). Some people may need less Ritalin, while others may need as much as 60 mg per day.

Hope the info helps? Please be well & safe, do not self medicate.

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