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What classification does Soma fall under? Is it a benzo, an opiate, etc?

3 Answers

Jgreen53 2 March 2017

Soma is an analgesic muscle relaxer. Schedule 4. ;)

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pete kleinfieldt 9 July 2015

what classification does soma fall under ???

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Mcfly0924 19 April 2017

Soma is a barbiturate... interestingly enough... it's in the family of barbiturates

Mcfly0924 19 April 2017

And by the way will show up positive for barbiturate on a drug analysis...

Inactive 26 Aug 2009

It is a muscle relaxer and it has a sedative effect as well. Got to Drugs A to Z just under the logo at the top of the page and look it up and it will explain everything. You should never take tranquilizers (benzodiazepines) or drink while taking Soma or any muscle relaxer. It will intensify it and possible stop your heart.

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moonerc 27 Aug 2009

I don't think you understand what I am asking about it's classification. When performing a drug screen, drugs show up under certain categories. example Percocet will show up as opiates, valium and xanax will show up positive as benzodiazipine's (benzos), marijuana shows up as THC, etc, etc. I want to know if a person was using Soma what category would it show up positive as on a drug screen??? I am going to perform a urine screen on my teenage son and I believe he has been using Soma as well as smoking pot. I just need to know what it will show up as. Also by the way you called tranquilizers benzos in your answer to me, that is incorrect. Tranquilizers are classified as barbituates! I do realize that benzos can have "tranquil" effect but thay are not classified as such. They are mostly prescribed as "nerve" pills or anti-anxiety meds if you will. Can someone please help me out with my question in regards to Soma please?

callieberry 5 Dec 2010

on my drug test, it showed that soma was a barbichuate or however thats spelled.

lab girl 27 Oct 2011

this is a little late but Soma is a Carisoprodol and is not going to come up under benzodiazepine

Abaddon 11 March 2012

If you give your son a drug test for soma's make sure it is for them they are water soluble and are hard to detect

zoox4 29 May 2012

Soma is a muscle relaxer, is NOT a benzo, but in some drug tests it can give a false positive for benzo's as some of what it metabolizes into (Carbamate & Meprobramate) is also what some benzo's metabolize into. What drug tests look for is what the body metabolizes meds into, it cannot the tell you actual med someone has taken in this instance.

I know this is late, but since people still search for answers long after the original post, I thought it worth answering :) I had a drug test show up as false positive for benzo's due to it. Further testing is required to find out exactly what med caused the positive to show up.

Hope this helps!

angrybird_1Red 19 Aug 2014

I was a juvenile probation officer, and had routine lab tests for cbc&cmp ran for my seizure disorder. My allergy simple benadryl reacts in drug screen testing as pcp. Chemical compounds of many harmless Oct medicine can metabolize different for each person.

Farmcoman 11 Sep 2015

Soma has a significantly different molecular structure and is NOT a benzodiazepine. All the ‎benzos have a distinctively identical major section of their molecules, which is how they are ‎detected in general. ‎
‎ Each different one (e.g. Valium, Lorazepam etc.) have very slight different side chains. ‎These other similar but different chains are what give each benzo different levels of ‎effectiveness and side effects, depending on an individual's body makeup.‎
‎ The mix-up is due to para-medical people being trained to simplify something that might ‎confuse them, so Soma is thrown in the benzo category This allows to them give an easy (if ‎incorrect) explanation to lay people, something the medical profession has always done.‎


‎ This is not an endorsement of Soma (carisoprodol). People who use carisoprodol for some ‎kind of recreational effect are doing themselves harm. Insidious changes in brain chemistry ‎can follow that the users and most physicians cannot detect. Unfortunately, little research has ‎proven this, but anecdotal reports are numerous. ‎

Mcfly0924 19 April 2017

I disagree with your opinion of not taking any type of benzodiazepine. And I only say that because Klonopin help to me when I was younger get through a tragic experience I lived through and Klonopin was the only thing that kept me asleep without having nightmares, however that's the only benzo I've ever been on... now I strongly agree not to EVER mix any medications especially prescription meds with alcohol use or any other meds cause you never know the reaction in the body cause everyone is different. free discount card

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