I have been taking generic Wellbutrin 450mg for the past couple of years combined with generic Zoloft 50mg. I have never had good results and every other antidepressant I have tried has made me terribly drowsy. I have Graves' disease on top of severe anxiety and depression. I recently read on another blog that Brand-name Wellbutrin works better for some people, so I talked to my psychiatrist about changing to brand-name. Since I switched to brand-name on both the Wellbutrin and Zoloft I have felt much better. But now that I have been taking that for about 3 months, I have started to feel very apathetic, I can't seem to get myself out of the bed in the morning, almost "zombie"-like. I don't feel depressed and I'm certainly not anxious... I just don't care! Is it possible thhat , since the brand-name has been more effective, maybe I should decrease my dosage?? PBC