Hello all. First of all, thanks for your reviews, they really give me hope in those difficult times. I started Trintellix 6 weeks ago, first I was on 10mg, it helped ease of anxiety, I was feeling better but not quite there yet. Together with my Doctor, we decided to increase to 15mg. Im half way through second week of the increased dose and its absolutely dreadful. I have constant diarhea, anxiety is back and worse than before. I have terrible nicotine cravings, flu like sympthoms, am crying for no reason and its difficult to get past the day. It doesnt seem to get better day by day. The days pass really slowly and I feel like im in agony. Am tempted to go back to 10mg, but also I know that week 2 is toughest so trying my best to get passed it but loosing patience. I will consult the doctor but I am really intetested in hearing other user’s experience? Thanks a million!