6 months ago, my oncologist told me to take 5000u of Vit. D3 daily because my Zometa infusion was depleting my D. I've noticed that since then, the frequency of my full-blown migraines has increased. I have not changed any other meds with the exception of adding Mobic a few weeks ago. I was having the frequent migraines before that though. Any thoughts?
Can too much Vitamin D3 trigger migraines?
Question posted by kathyhanson on 26 May 2013
Last updated on 18 September 2018 by Not Apprehensive
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
16 Answers
As far as I know there is no direct link between headaches/migraines and Vitamin D, D2 or D3. The fact that a M.D. who has very little training in vitamins/minerals and supplements can prescribe vitamins is outrageous! The amount of supplementation that I have read on this subject boggles the mind and I am not surprised in the least regarding these stories. For a physician to prescribe anything over 2,000 I.U.'s at one time is dangerous. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that can send you to the E.R. with cardiac problems (i.e. tachycardia, palpitations and arrhythmia). It, along with Vit A and E are fat soluble so they will not "flush" out with water. This vitamin needs to be ramped up slowly and be closely monitored for side effects. This is exactly what happened to a friend of mine who was suffering with headaches and a vitamin D deficiency. The P.A. put him on a multivitamin and 6000 I.U. per day for 2 weeks. He ended up in the E.R.
on day 4 and thought he was going to die as he went from tachycardia to arrhythmia in the course of the night. I have no update on him, but if a M.D. suspects a vitamin deficiency, see a nutritionist.
I'm so pleased I found this thread. I'm on 20,000 units of vitamin D3 a day for 15 days. I'm on day 4 and yesterday I had a minor headache. Tonight I got a migraine level headache. Nausea, light sensitivity, dizziness, shocking levels of mind blowing pain. The whole 9 years. I'll persevere and if it gets worse go back to docs.
I was told I was deficient in vitamin D so I've been put on high dose supplements for the last 2 months. Over the last 2-3 weeks, I've been getting headaches that feel like the start of a migraine every single day. In the past when I got migraines, my dr told me to take 1000 mg of magnesium along with Vitamin B to prevent them. I now started to take those two again to combat this but now I'm so grateful to learn that the vitamin D could be the culprit! Thanks for sharing everyone!
I was taking 5000 ius of Vitamin D and having 24/7 migraines. I recently stopped and my migraines have vastly improved. I guess I will have to figure another way of getting my vitamin D.
I've had migraines my whole life. Literally. Last year they become so severe that I ended up in the ER. A place I would avoid at all costs. Made an appointment with a neurologist. I'm allergic to Imitrex and I've tried most everything else so he put me on 500mg of Depakote. Success!
Until I started feeling very ill again. Went to my GP and she runs blood work and says that my D level wax 7. So now I'm on 50,000iu weekly of D2.
And my headaches are back. Vicious. Ugly.
Coincidence or connected? Anyone have any answers?
Thank you for listening.
Hey, you guys are great here! So I started taking a bunch of supplements, about a week ago, after being on the Wheat Belly Total Health program. I've given up grains before so I don't believe that the constant headaches I've had in the last few days are related to being grain-free. One of the supplements is D3, but I also started Magnesium at the same time, along with Iodine, Biotin, and Fish Oil. I'd already been taking Calcium D. One of my questions is, how the heck do I spread these all out everyday? Most of them should be taken with food, so I've been waiting until after meals. My other question, concerning these horrible headaches, is should I stop one supplement at a time or stop them all and just introduce one at a time to see if the headaches go away? I feel like an idiot taking all these things to begin with, but William Davis, who wrote Wheat Belly, says they're needed to replace what my diet is now lacking. So what do you all think?
I wonder were the supplements in a gelatin capsule as many are? Gelatin can be a migraine trigger and so it may not be the vitamin d itself but the form of the supplement. I take a dry tablet of vitamin d so as to avoid the gelatin.
I agree with the suggestion about adding magnesium and it works well with vit d for absorption and for bone health. I like mag-citrate powder, it's cheap and easily absorbed and doesn't bother my empty stomach when I take it before bed.
Hi vermillion42! My D3 is a white tablet. I learned that some of the gelatin capsules are made with fish oil, so I stay far away from them because of a severe allergy to seafood of all kinds (I guess it's the iodine in the seafood that I'm allergic to, or so I have been told). Anyway, my oncologist nixed the idea of adding magnesium. Isn't mag citrate a laxative? I've had to drink those bottles of mag citrate as part of a colonoscopy prep. Nasty stuff! Thanks for your answer and for sharing your experience with Vit.D3. Now that I am on a lower dose of the D3, I get a migraine maybe once a month. I get occasional minor headaches that I can knock out with a cup of coffee, but not very often. Thanks again!
I don't know if any of you are still on this blog, but I thought I'd add my experience. I have Lyme disease, and Vitamin D3 supplements have caused migraines at the lowest dose for many years because of the Lyme (so goes the theory). After treating the Lyme with IV antibiotics for months, I am able to take 1400 IU of Vit D3 twice a day (2800 IU daily), and for the first time since we have been testing my Vit D3 was in the normal range (above 30). I was taking the fish-based Vit D3 at first. Then, because of heavy metals in my blood tests, I decided to switch to the lanolin-based Vit D3. The oil from sheep's wool is rich in Vit D3 naturally. When I switched to the lanolin-based Vit D3 (no change in dosage), I had 11 days (!!) of migraines. It took me that long to figure out that switching the Vit D3 source was the cause of the latest set of migraines. I have no idea why this would occur.
Maybe the lanolin-based one is stronger than the fish-based one, or absorbed more easily by my body. But, all you ladies should check your Vit D3 labels and find out where your Vit D3 is coming from. Switching sources might be something simple to do. And for those who are taking 50,000 IU daily, that's Vit D2, which is not the same as the over-the-counter supplements. So that also is different. I hope this helps someone. I'm going back to the internet to find more information about migraines from switching Vit D3 sources.
Thanks for the info, Sandy. I've been on the lower dose of Vit D3 for 6/7 months now, and have mild headaches, but only 2 migraines. I can't take the fish based D3 due to a severe allergy, so I take the lanolin-based D3. At 2400 IU daily, my Vit D3 is within normal ranges. The source of the Vit D3 is good info. Thanks.
UPDATE***** I spoke with my oncologist this afternoon. He said that Vitamin D3 can, on occasion, trigger migraines. He has not seen it often, but has dealt with it. He told me to stop taking the D for a week. If my headaches are still not coming back, then restart the Vitamin D, but cut the dose in half, or for me, take 2500u daily. If the headaches return at the lower dose, I am to call him. He said the benefits of the Vitamin D outweigh the problem of the headaches. We will play with the dose to find the optimum level for me. He does not want to do blood work until next month after I have been on the lower dose for a few weeks. He said No to adding magnesium to the mix, which I expected. I hope my question has helped some of you who are on Vit. D and having migraines. It was a shot in the dark on my part, but the only change I have made to my meds in the past 6 months. The only stupid question is the one not asked!!
Thanks for all of your great answers, folks!
Kathy, I'm glad that you can stop it for a week and then lower the dose. Hopefully that will help you enough. And that's helpful news for the rest of us. Thanks.
Thanks for the update Kathy. I will have to talk to my Dr to see how my D level was before. I didn't take mine last night and no headache until a low pressure weather system moved in (an obvious trigger for me).
Sure got lots of good info out of your question =)
Take care
Y'all (sorry, I'm a Southern gal), my DC family, are the ones who came up with all of the info. I love you guys for that. I couldn't see well enough to research it because of the migraine. I just narrowed the possibilities down and asked the question. Btw, 2nd day with no Vit. D, and 2nd day with no H.A!!! It feels great!
Hugs to all and thanks again!
Oh Kath,
This is great, you can cut back for a week, with no D and then lower the dose! I should have just said "Ditto" to Sara's comment, that would have sufficed,
Big hug to ALL
I was surfing the web about this problem, when I stumbled upon this page and couldn't stop reading it because described me. I was recently diagnosed with vit D and calcium deficiency, with many complaints of joint and muscle pain and fatigue. My doctor did blood work and called giving me directions to take vit D and calcium because of the low levels. Going back, I have been a migraine sufferer for 20 yrs to which I take Inderal and has been under control. This deficiency recognition was made almost a month ago,, and I have been suffering with what seem like a migraine for this time. Was just attributing this 'headache(s)' towards work, stress etc. and nothing has worked to take the pain away. In the meantime tho, the muscle and joint pain has diminished quite a bit. Take the good with the bad? Low and behold as im reading all of these posts, and thinking I've been on the vit D and calcium supplements the same amount of time. Coincidence,, don't know, but this has given me a lot to think about and a phone call to make. Thanks!
I looked it up and yes it can. it can also cause some other things too. please ask your dr, about another way for you to get the vitamin d your body is needing. I have you in my prayers hope this info was helpful and you feel better soon.
Hi charitylaraye,
Great info!
thank you hugs :)
Thanks charitylaraye for taking the time to research Vitamin D3. You're a gem. I did not take the D last night, and no headache today. I won't take it tonight either and see how I feel tomorrow. Either H.A. or no H.A. I'll call doc tomorrow to find out whether to continue it, add magnesium, or stop it all together. I'll let everyone know what he says.
Take care ---
Looking forward to seeing how you are tomorrow and what the doctor says. I may have to do some experimenting myself to see if I can get these killer headaches to go away. I am wearing a ball cap to shield my eyes even in the house. Never thought it could be the Vitamin D until you asked the question.
I know, right? Who woulda thunk it could be a vitamin? So far, everything is pointing to the D3. I'll call in the morn and leave a message for the doc to call me. He always calls his patients himself. He won't let the nurses call. So, I know I'll get to talk to him. I'll definitely let everyone know. It seems that several of us who have migraines are taking Vitamin D3. Interesting!!!
Take care, lady
thank you and you are very welcome please let me know how you are doing so glad I was able to help
Vitamin D has been giving me migraines, too. I'm going to stop taking the vitamin D tablets and just try multivitamins. I've been taking both, so I've been getting magnesium, but still getting the migraines. I wasn't sure if it was the D, so I stopped for a couple months. The other day I took 1 tablet, and have had 3 migraines since. I usually only get 1 migraine a month. Today I had 2 and took 2 Excedrin Migraine, and my head still hurts. I never have to take more than 1 pill. Sadly, I cannot justify the D because the headaches are crippling.
First of all, you and others are taking calcium supplements. Did you know that all the latest medical advice is to NOT take calcium supplements unless your blood tests show a deficit of it? Most adults do get plenty of calcium in their diets. In fact, too much calcium can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, can impair the absorption of the thyroid hormone, can impair the absorption of certain antibiotics and can cause kidney stones in postmenopausal women.
Kathy, I was not aware of the association of migraines from Vitamin D. I would say that getting a blood test to test the Vitamin D in your blood would be a good first step since your doctor prescribed it for a specific reason. Do take Magnesium every day because that can help your migraines. Also another person said that taking Magnesium could help with the Vitamin D. I also take CoQ10. Both the Magnesium and CoQ10 were recommended by my neurologist.
But there are many other remedies for frequent migraines. Are you taking any daily preventative migraine medication? I can tell you about many other treatments. As you may know I suffer from 24/7 headaches (often very mild) which can go into severe migraines which can last for days. But I'm not having the severe ones 24/7 any more, thanks to all my treatments. I am very appreciative of that.
BTW, I take 5,000 units of Vitamin D daily (or 35,000 units weekly) due to a high parathyroid level caused by that terrible Prolia injection last September. That's recommended by my endocrinologist. But my migraines have only gotten better in that time due to other meds and treatments. And I've suffered from these migraines for almost 5 years. But that's to say that you may not be getting bad effects from your Vitamin D.
Thank you, sweet Sara, for the info. I quit taking the Calcium a few months ago. I can't take any other vitamins unless my oncologist says it's ok. Some vitamins are antioxidants and my treatments (I assume Zometa) is an oxidant. They cancel each other out, rendering both ineffective. Most of the preventative meds are blood vessel constrictors. I can't take them since I have Reynauds and, so they tell me, Beurger's Disease. Constrictors would be bad news for me.
I'm glad your headaches are under better control.
Take care and hugs to you,
You are the sweetheart and with all your great postings on this site. But, you still have the bad migraines. I worry about you. Can you use any help with those?
Your caring friend,
I didn't take the vit. D last night. Lo and behold, I awoke this morn with no headache! First time in 4 days! It's hard to imagine that a vitamin can trigger migraines, but I think I have found the culprit. I'll skip the D3 tonight and see how it goes tomorrow. Will still call my doc to let him know and to find out how much I should decrease the dose or if I should continue the D3 at all!
What is that scientific theory --- Achems Razor(?sp), the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Cheers to Achem!!! haha
Have a wonderful Memorial Day, my sweet Sara!
That is terrific! I'm so glad that you found relief. There must be something that can be done. Maybe adding the Magnesium would help if you really need the Vit D. I didn't really understand the reason that you gave. Just not familiar with it. Maybe your Vit D is too much now and the doctor won't see the need for it. Keep us posted. So very glad for you.
Oh yeah! I don't think I said why I was on the D. Oops! The Zometa tends to deplete both calcium and Vitamin D. My calcium was good when he rechecked both in April, so he discontinued that, but my D was still low. He never mentioned magnesium, so I will ask if that will help if I need to continue the Vitamin D. I fear though that he didn't prescribe magnesium if it is an antioxidant. I don't know if it is or not. How about you?
Big warm hugs!
Kathy, I'll look forward to what your doctor has to say. You're a real trooper. You deserve a lot of credit for everything that you are doing. I still struggle with my migraines. What bothers me the most is the severe bone pain caused by the Prolia injection last September. And also it caused skin inflammation which also bothers me constantly. Also mouth sores and high parathyroid blood levels--all from that injection. Plus because of the bone pain, I can't wear my CPAP mask or a mouth piece which puts me at an increased risk of another major stroke which is more likely to be fatal or have very poor rehabilitation. No more of any meds for my osteoporosis. I've learned the hard way what Consumers Reports warned about.
I had not heard of Prolia, so I looked it up. It is very similar to the Zometa I get every 3 months as a bone builder/strengthener. Did you develop the osteonecrosis that I've heard horror stories about? I just know my dentist is VERY careful with me. I haven't had any major problems with the Zometa though. I get some extremity bone pain and muscle cramps, but nothing unbearable. I've been getting the Zometa infusions for 9 years, so I figure if I were going to have big problems with it, I would have had them by now.
There's nothing they can do about your CPAP so that you can use it? Oh my goodness, that has to be scary for you, Sara! I'm bellyaching about a simple migraine and you are fighting some really serious conditions. Now I'm worried about you! You are a super trooper, my friend! Please take care of yourself.
Love and Warm, Soft Hugs!
Migraines of any type are worth complaining about. There should not be any "my problem is not as bad as your problem and doesn't deserve the attention" on this site as far as I'm concerned. All of our medical problems are worthy of attention. And a migraine of any type are bad.
I haven't been so worried about the osteocronosis (sp?) because it is relatively rare and comes along with another condition that I don't have. But I did mention it to my endocrinologist when I first had the injection and had terrible jaw pain. After looking in my mouth at length, she said to see my dentist ASAP about it. Thanks for asking about it.
Many hugs and warm wishes to you,
Just had the Vit D test, myself. I take 1000units per day plus what is in my calcium pills which the two have 1600. Turns out I am still low because I don't get outside at all. That is 2600 units per day.
The blood test is the key to this. You should have it every three months, and they forgot, as did I, to do so when taking high doses. I started with 50,000 per week for 3 months.
Luckily, I rarely have headaches. I have not experienced this effect. Perhaps the prednisone prevents it, I don't know. Will try to ask my endocrinologist when I see him this week to see what he says. K
For we fibromyalgia sufferers, calcium leeches Magnesium from the bloodstream, just be careful with the calcium IF you've fibro, my darling friends!
Love you guys,
Thanks Karen,
I'm going to check with my oncologist Tuesday. I'm sure he will want to turn vampire on me. "I vant to drrain your blooood". Hehe, it's hard to type with a Romanian accent!
Try typing withthth a lithp.
Itth really hard to lithp whitht typing, yet it can be ethecuted thlightly well.
Ha! I get full Comp, CBC, CK and other wonderful blood tests every two weeks. My veins are so shot from those, infusions and IV that they are now using the back of my forearm and may soon try for legs. Hurts. And they always need tubes and tubes of blood. However, I do keep the local vampire happy and there haven't been suspicious news reports of dark figures in the night for years. Just doing my part for others. Alas, no spigots for the prednisone impaired. Glad someone is holding up their end elsewhere. K
Oh yes, my doctor seems to enjoy torturing me to get a bit of my blood. After chemo and IgG treatments, my veins are totally shot. Half of the time, they can't get blood from me at all. Before I was diagnosed with cancer and started chemo, I was taking several vitamins. My oncologist took me off of them first thing. He said that I cannot take any vitamins unless he tells me to because my treatments are oxidants and the vitamins (some of them) are anti-oxidants. So, they cancel each other out. I think that right now the only treatment I get that might be a problem is Zometa. Anyway, I'll have to talk to him about it. I'll ask about taking magnesium too. The preventative meds are a no go for me. They are blood vessel constrictors and since I have Reynauds Disease, and Beurger's Disease (although I don't think I have Beurger's) I can't take the constrictors.Thanks for the suggestions though.
Take care,
Yes, IGG, rituxin, great infusions that blow out veins. IV for other reasons are a true issue. However, eventually they get the blood or the needle holds. The one I don't like is the big tubes for infection from both arms and arterial blood. At one point they said I couldn't lose more blood or I would need a transfusion because of all the tests. They do get it figured out.
lol I call them vampires too
Wow... that's a good question. I suffer from Migraines too, although it's been about a year sinse my last severe Migraine, I used to get them on an almost daily basis!! I had my ovaries removed when I was 29 because of Endometriosis and my daily Migraines stopped!! The doctor thinks that mine were mainly hormone related, although some foods and certain smells can trigger them still! I still can't be bright sunlight without sun glasses and I can't walk outside in the winter if there is snow on the ground and the sun is out because the glare triggers them. Strobe lights send me to the hospital for an injection of Demerol, and the smell of "Old Spice" does the same. But I have never heard of Vitamin D3 being a trigger, but that doesn't mean that it can't be. It very well may be a trigger for you! If you are having an increase in Migraine activity and the Vitamin D3 is the only new thing that you are doing, then it could be the cause.
Not everyone is the same and what can trigger them for some people may not for others.
I wish you the best of luck!
Take care!
Thanks happybrandee. I just made the connection this morning that my migraines increased around the same time that my oncologist put me on the D3. I'm going to lay off of it for a couple of days and see if the H.A. improves. I've had a migraine for 3 days now and the incessant jack hammers are beginning to tick me off. I've been sitting in the house all day with the blinds closed, lights off, and as dark as I can get it. You know the drill, I'm sure.
Dear Kathy,
I honestly have no idea, but as a fellow migraine sufferer I just wanted to lend you my support and a sincere wish that you find the answer, and hopefully,a solution. Migraines are one of the most miserable pains you can suffer from. If you've never tried it, I take Immitrex Nasal Spray for mine and it usually works beautifully! For whatever reason, neither the immitrex shots or pills work, but the spray does. At any rate, I do hope you find your answer AND a workable solution here!
Hugs to you!
Thanks Lisa for your support and well wishes. You're a sweetie pie! I'll PQ you after the cranial jack hammers stop! hehe
Loves and hugs,
Hi goils,
I've got Cage The Elephant at full volume, so now I"M getting a migraine, self inflicted, so NO sympathy for me, heh heh.
X - big hug to all
Lara the Irish Witch
Irish -- yes; witch --- not a chance! That is unless you are like Glenda, the GOOD witch of the North on Wizard of Oz!
Big hugs and love,
Ha ha! I'd like to think I'm more the Stevie Nicks type of witch, a FAKE ONE, hee hee!
Hullo Kathy,
Too much vit D can cause a myriad of problems, and can mimic a vit D deficiency, actually. I also take a vit D rx, 50,000 iu's.
(I noticed a bit of relief in joint pain after being on this supplement for a few months, as I take it once a week.)
If you google vit D deficiency, you'll find all sorts of ills being caused by low D. Like I said, the deficiency mimics an overage of it as well, so call your oncologist to see if you can cut back, perhaps after she/he views your vit D in a blood test?
You are so much FUN!
I'm praying my verbosity didn't p^ss you off!
Oh, my dear Lara, your verbosity is what I adore about you! You have such a comical way of expressing yourself that is soooooo refreshing and fun!
Thanks for the info on Vit D. I just realized this am (day 3 of a constant migraine) that the migraines became more frequent when I started Vit. D.
I love ya, girl. You can never p*ss me off!
Oh Kath,
NO more vit D for you, not until you have you're migraines checked out, I'm concerned, a migraine for three days?!
Please, go to the ER if you've one tomorrow?
Did you write that you take a weekly D like I do, or is it daily? Just curious if we are on the same stuff, as I don't get headaches from it. I have, however, gotten headaches lately from what I believe to be a daily diet (aspartame) soda, as the gab is making me a Porktress, so I've got to cut back because I want my boyish figure back, anyway back to YOU!
Go to ER tomorrow, OK? Please do this, and do NOTHING tomorrow, ok? Besides the ER? Just rest and take "enteric aspirin" like Ecotrin, it won't hurt your stomach atall.
Holla Lara!
I take a daily dose of 5000u. I'm going to refrain from taking it tonight and tomorrow night to see if the headache gets any better. Robin had to drive me to the store today. I couldn't see to drive. I feel like I'm in a dungeon with all of the blinds closed, no light except the TV and computer screen. I'll be OK until I can call my doctor Tuesday. I've had migraines for longer than this. I'm going to get a cup of coffee and take 2 aspirin. You're a sweetie to worry about me.
Love ya,
Wish we lived closer, I'd get your coffee and aspirin for you, now go sit in the dark, and staring at a computer screen may be aggravating your migraine, or do you've the contrast down on your 'puter?
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vitamin d3, migraine, vitamin d deficiency
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