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Venlafaxine - Has anyone been on Effexor for a straight 15 years or more?


YakKerplunk 9 Oct 2021

Not quite that long for me but have been on 225mg daily for over 10 years. Just now starting to think it may need to be changed. Haven’t had any side effects that I can recall. Learned after much trial and error that SNRIs work better for me than SSRIs.

Votes: +0
Mski 22 Sep 2021

I've been taking venlafaxine XR for 25+ years straight. Most of that time took 225 mg. Last couple of years down to 150 mg. It has helped my panic attacks and GAD (general anxiety disorder). I have thought about trying to ween off but fear the side effects and my anxiety returning. It's truly changed my life!

Votes: +1
opinion 23 Sep 2021

And your doctor thinks its ok to be on it for that long ? And how long does it take to show effect when u up your dose to see the difference?

Mski 23 Sep 2021

My doctor has no problem with me being on the drug since it's working well. At the beginning the doctor tried different meds with very little help. I can't remember how long between each increase in dose... I believe it was 4 weeks.

Nksiefert 23 Sep 2021

Effexor has the most horrific effects trying to ween off of. Yes, it can be helpful. Just wish that I would have never gone on it. It’s just too hard to get off of.

opinion 9 Oct 2021

When you increased your dose how long did it take to notice a difference ? I have increased from 75 to 150 3 weeks ago and haven't noticed a change yet ? free discount card

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