I’m starting this medication Thursday 37.5mg I suffer from severe anxiety. I used to be very outgoing my grandfather and I were very close and he passed away back in 2021 and then and then I had issues with the job I was with for a long time right after and then I got Covid Roger that and ever since then I’ve just suffered from severe anxiety I’ve always been a very anxious person and nervous about various things such as huge buildings but I can always control what I’m 30 years old and these last two years have hands-down been the worst years of my life I’ve lost most of what was important to me and I’m stuck in a daze I can’t even go anywhere I’ve been stuck in the house for a year almost because I stay so nervous when leaving I get frequent heart palpitations what feels like my heart is floutter or skipping a beat my doctor insures me my heart is fine and this is just a side effect of anxiety I’ve always had that also it just seems to be worse lately so I guess I just took it for the green assault it was I guess what I’m asking is did anyone else suffer from heart palpitations such as fluttering and skipping beats and fear of leaving your house before starting this? And if so did this medicine help any of the side effects of anxiety?