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Vaniqa - Can men use vaniqua on their face?


Rajive Goel 16 Aug 2011

Found this report on Vaniqa on the net, generally Vaniqa (eflornithine hydrochloride) Cream, 13.9% is indicated for the reduction of unwanted facial hair in women.

Vaniqa has only been studied on the face and adjacent involved areas under the chin of affected individuals. Usage should be limited to these areas of involvement.

However, please do check it with a pharmacist, take care, best wishes.

Votes: +1
caringsonbj 16 Aug 2011

Hope you've had a good day and a good week~Billy

Rajive Goel 16 Aug 2011

Thanks, Billy we indeed had a long weekend this time, was off from Saturday until Monday.

You take care! free discount card

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