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Can valacyclovir 1gm tab be taken for sinus infection?


Stephen Treloar 12 Sep 2016

Only if the sinus infection is viral in nature (extremely unlikely). It is almost 100% likely it is bacterial so you need an antibiotic. An ant-viral will be as effective as praying to a full moon.

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Elea11 19 Dec 2017

I disagree. Sinus infections can be caused by viruses very often. Anyone who has tried to get an antibiotic to treat a sinus infection can attest. Most doctors are slow to prescribe antibiotics because of the fact that many sinus infections are caused by viruses. A viral sinus infection can eventually lead to a bacterial infection.
That said I have no idea whether Valtrex is useful at all for treating a sinus infection if that infection is viral. Obviously it would not help a bacterial infection . free discount card

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infections, sinusitis, valacyclovir, sinus

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