Has this happend to anyone else, all three times it has been the E-Coli. First two times it has been treated with Cipro antibiotic, but this time my DR wants to treat it with Bactrim which I haven't taken before. Is thier any side affects I should know about?
UTI three times in a row?
Question posted by ukliz on 5 March 2011
Last updated on 27 September 2011 by Heather Palay
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
6 Answers
I used to get UTIs every time I had sex. It was TERRIBLE! Last December I found a product called ellura. It is a very effective cranberry supplement that has been sold throughout Europe for ~7 years. You can order it online at www.myellura.com. It is worth every penny! I have not had a UTI since I started taking ellura!
Bactrim (a.k.a. Septra) isn't *just* a sulfa drug; it's actually a combo of 2 antibiotics: trimethoprim & sulfamethoxazole. Only the latter is a sulfa drug. Patti is correct, tho, that many folks are allergic to sulfas. Fortunately, I'm not. I also did not get a yeast infection while on Bactrim for my UTI. And the Bactrim cleared up the infection fast.
However, I was in the minority in that I got constipation instead of diarrhea. In fact, I had SEVERE constipation -- no bowel movements for 4-5 days!! :( Normally I go once each day so this was very abnormal. And this was despite me drinking tons of water, taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, increasing my dietary fiber and increasing my exercise. It was literally like my small & large intestines had SHUT down. Very scary!! I ultimately started showing signs of toxicity build-up & even my doctor said I better stop the Bactrim.
I'd actually been on it 7 days; I had a BM about 2 days into the prescription but even that one was difficult. And then after that, everything basically stopped. In the course of my life, I've (fortunately only rarely) taken antibios in the penicillin group and in the cycline group (i.e. doxycycline) and never had anything like this happen. I was fine w/ them. Not sure why I had such a freakish side effect from Bactrim, but this was the first & LAST time I ever plan to take it!! It is *not* a benign, garden-variety antibiotic! :(
That being said, I do have to admit (as I wrote above) that the Bactrim worked very fast & very well in taking care of my UTI. If you try it, I hope it works as well for you as it did for me, but I hope it does *not* cause you the problem it caused me!
Shari in California :)
Shari, Thanks for answering, but I am allergic to Sulfa so i can not take it. I just don't know where to go next. I have been to so many dr's. Last month I had to different bacteria's at once and had to be on 2 antibiotics at once. And i have the exact opposite problem you had with your bowels, when I am on them i can barely leave my house. Its really starting to depress me, i just wish they could just help me get the UTI's to stop. Are you infection free now? Were your infections as often as mine? Thank you so much for your comments! Adeline
Hi Adeline, I really feel for you it is so frustrating to keep getting the UTI's. I am not sure why all f a sudden I was getting so many UTI's in a row, it has never happened to me before. I am not sure why they stopped all of a sudden and I have not had one since, but then I ended up having another bout of C-Diff which is no fun either. The doctors keep saying they don't know why I had so many UTI's, but I don't know if you are like me I know when I have one just by the smell I am so tuned into it now I don't think I will hesitate to take a sample to get checked straight away, to hopefully stop some of the suffering in it's tracks.
One other advice I would give you, if the second Antibiotic doesn't work go see a Urologist and get checked out in case something else is going on in that department. Sorry I couldn't give you more of an answer and help but hang in there and hope you get better soon. Ukliz.:)
ukliz, I did go for 3 Ultra sounds last week ,and a CTscan, and they don't see anything abnormal. I am worried about getting C-diff because of all the antib iotics I am on. I know to some people it may sound like a UTI is no big deal, but I'm sure you understand going through it yourself. Its fustrating and the antibiotics are so bad on my stomach I cant really live my life as uusal. I feel my friends are tried of hearing me say i dont feel good and don't want to do things, but i don't feel good, and its a uncomfortable feeling, with the burning and pressure. I guess I keep hoping for some quick fix. I am going to the Cleveland clinic, in Ohio next month for a scope of my bladder. Thanks for listrening, Adeline
I am getting Chronic Infections also, mine are also E-coli. I have been on many different antibiotics, but after I'm finished with them a few days later i have another infection. Have you found any answers?? Thanks!
I have had the same problem as you this past year & 1/2 with lots of UTIs. The antibiotics would help, but then it would keep coming back. Well, my Internal Med doctor finally sent me to a urologist & found I had a prolasped urethea. These things are not to be messed with. If this round doesn't nip it in the bud maybe a referral to a urologist is needed. Good luck to you...
Thanks Mary for answering I have a urologist I have seen in the past , as you said if it doesn't work this time I will make an appointment with her. I guess you had surgery to fix the problem, if you did have you had a UTI since?
Actually ,no surgery, he put me on Percocet & Estrogen (to improve the mucosus)& put me to bed for a week. I was bleeding quite heavy too from the urethea. Anyway, it was the first time he had every seen this, so he was quite excited (Iwasn't). It seemed to resolve itself with this method. Oh, plus an antibiotic.
I'm surprised they didnt try Bactrim first. E. Coli lives in your digestive tract and is a very common cause of UTI. Many people are very surprised by this. Be sure when you wipe, after using the toilet, that you are wiping front to back so you are not "dragging" any E. Coli bacteria from around the rectal area to the urethra. It is a good idea to wash the rectal area with soap and water after having a bowel movement to reduce bacteria in the area that can migrate to the area of the urethra. Always, always urinate after sexual activity. Intercourse can carry bacteria and drive it up into the urethra (the urinary opening) and if it sits for a period of time it will set up shop and give you a raging UTI. Urinating helps to flush that bacteria out. It helps to drink a glass of water prior to sexual activity so you can go afterwards.
I have learned a great many things about preventing UTI's since I usually manage to get one at least twice to four times a year since I was 2 years old. I've learned a lot of tricks on how to prevent them. They are terribly painful! I answered a post a few weeks back for another question about UTI's and went into more detail. You might look back to see if you can find it. Be sure to stay well hydrated. The longer that urine sits in the bladder the easier for you to get a UTI. Never wait long times to urinate! Dont hold it-go right away when you feel the urge. Holding your urine long periods of time can contribute to UTI's. Drink plenty of fluids so you go often and keep the urine dilute.
Thanks for answering, I was in hospital for a month for the first two UTI's so trust me what you were suggesting I do the nurses made sure I done, I am an CMA so I know the importance of doing what you suggested. So I do appriciate your suggestions. Have you taken Bactrim because I am a bit hessitant about taking it now because of the side affects Bactrim can cause, I am allergic to so many meds that I am worried to try it.
Oh yeah. I have had Bactrim may times. I'm not allergic to sulfonomides so I have no troubles with it. Sometimes, we medical people, are the worst because we wait too long to pee because we are so busy!
Bactrim is a sulfa drug and many are allergic. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to it. If you take it and have any swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, or airway, report this to the doctor. If you are NOT allergic to it and you are female, watch out for signs of a yeast infection. I used to have a client who was a doctor and he told me that there were 4 bugs that cause UTI's usually and that one med treated 3 of them and the fourth was treated by another, Cipro. I had had a UTI for a few weeks at that point and he suggested that I have the doctor culture the urine, and not just look for white cells. I did and the nurse appologized for them not culturing the first time and that I needed another medication. It cleared right up after that. You can look Bactrim up on this site with the clickable Drugs a to z tab.
Thanks for answering, the first two UTI's were treated with Cipro and all three were cultured and it has been e-coli all three cultures. My dr could not give me an explination as to why after 2 lots of antibiotics didn't get rid of the UTI. Now I am a bit worried about the side affects of the bactrim.
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bactrim, cipro, urinary tract infection, antibiotics
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