I was supposed to start my period 3 days ago and have not yet. Should I be worried?
I had unprotected sex and took plan B 2 days later, now my period is late, should I be worried?
Question posted by ma92 on 5 Nov 2012
Last updated on 7 May 2013 by Anonymous
5 Answers
I had unprotected sex on april 2nd on the 4 day of my cycle I took plan b within 30 minutes after a week or two I spotted blood for two day with cramps I had very light brownish blood now it's may 7 and I haven't got my period I'm worried
Same situation, with my experience I believe it's messing up your cycle. I am still 2 weeks late with no spotting at all but my preg text was negative after 1 week late. Take a preg text that has measure an miu of 25, for early detection. Plan b is Very hard on your body. Let me know if u get it!
Latest update: I had unprotected sex on October 26th (4 days after my period ended and on the last day of one of my high fertility days) and took Plan B One-Step the same day five hours after. I had light spotting on November 7th, just 12 days after my incident. The spotting was a brown and pinkish color. I spotted for 7 days. I had all of the side effects of the pill. Monday, December 3rd I began to get nauseous. The nausea lasted until Thursday. I have been a nervous wreck wondering if I am pregnant and if the spotting was implantation bleeding. Yesterday, Friday, Dec 7th, I had brownish discharge. Technically I am suppose to start my period on Monday but I don't feel the normal abdominal pain that comes along with PMS. From all of my research I know that implantation bleeding is only suppose to last One Day. I usually have my period every 28 days and it's heavy. I'm worried but based on what I have read I think I should be ok.
I say all this to say, this pill is extremely high in hormones. It affects different women different ways and unfortunately, at least in my case, it makes your body feel preggo. If I could do anything different I would have been on regular BC. I am afraid of BC because I have a cousin who at the age of 23 had a stroke from taking Yaz. And when I was a teen I took Yasmine to reg. my period and it made me sick. I am pretty new to sex. I'm 28 and had sex for the first time a year ago tomorrow. This has been one of the most stressful things that has ever happened to me!
Hello, thank you for the post. I see that your post was Six days ago. Did you have your period yet?
I am in a similar situation if it gives you any comfort. I had unprotected sex a day or so after my period ended. I took the plan b one-step pill approximately 6 hours after we had sex. I had most of the side effects of the pill; nausea, abdominal pain, breast tenderness and headaches. The symptoms continued but were very faint. On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, a week before my period was due I began to cramp. I was suppose to come on my period but missed it. I have been spotting (very light) since last Wednesday. It's now Thursday and I still have not gotten my period. I come on my period every 28 days like clockwork. I am a little worried :-(
Here is the logical answer to that mess up of your cycle. Get on a regular birth control pill. Then you won't have to take plan b
Helpful, respectfully and serious comments please. Thanks :-)!
I am totally serious
Great. But here is the thing... it wasn't helpful. It was sarcastic. I am serious. With over 40 years in nursing you have great bedside manners. Now that was sarcastic. Take care.
Hey if you want to have your system screwed up for months with plan b, have at it. I was trying to save you the agony.
Plan B can mess up your cycle for weeks. You may not get a period for while. If you're worried you can do a pregnancy test. Taking regular birth control pills would be much better on your body and your nerves.
Hello ma92, & welcome to the site. Did you take the second dose within 12 hours later & the first dose within 72 hours of having unprotected sex? If not you could possibly be pregnant. You can get a home pregnancy test to find out for sure, & then see your doctor. It would be to your advantage to get on a regular birth control if you are not ready to start a family right now. I am giving you a link to read about Plan B below. Best of wishes to you either way...
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plan b one-step, sex, period, unprotected sex
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