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Does ulcerative colitis interfere with the ability to take Ozempic?


Disawyer1965 8 Sep 2023

I hadn’t had an ulcerated colitis flare up in almost 30 years, until Ozempic. And it was bad!!! I was very ill and I am taking Entyvio infusions. I switched to mounjaro and the only side effect I have is mild/moderate constipatiin. I can’t prove that Ozempic was the cause but my instinct is that it was.

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Setiah3 2 Sep 2022

I have ulcerative colitis and am up to the 1mg dose of Ozempic. The doctor usually don’t like the patients to have GI problems on Ozempic. I have lost 21 pounds in 2 months. It’s just a matter of having someone prescribe it to you. It has not caused a flare up thus far in my UC. I’ve had burping, gas, and constipation as side effects; none bothersome enough to stop. Good luck.

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ulcerative colitis, colitis, ozempic

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