I have been using lisnophril for my hypertension for several years. This is the only drug I am taking. Last Feb 2013, I started having hives on my body, face, redness on my skin, piling of my skin near my palm, thickening of skin of my palm and foot sole and the cracking. Biopsy shows drug rash. I still continued taking lisinopril and the doctors just told to put triamcinolone ointment and cera ve moisturizer twice a day, benadryl, zertec and then started me with pednisone tablet to take 3, 2, 1111 and nothing happened, my skin did not improved. Then on Mar 17, 2013, my peptic ulcer bled and I have to be given
a 4 pints of blood and gave me protonix. My skin is not improving so I decided to see side effects of lisinopril and protonix. I was disgusted to find
out that lisinopril and protonix have the same side effects, hives, drug rash, reddness, piling of skin, thickening of skin, etc. which I all have. I stopped all my medicines. Some of drug rash are starting to dry now on my face and on my body. My palm and foot are still cracking and I am just getting frustrated.
Please help. Thanks.