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Can Trazodone cause me to have nightmares or very odd dreams?

40 Answers Page 3

desertman888 22 Sep 2015

Trazodone gives me multiple or very long extremely vivid dreams. Not nightmares, but very detailed and pleasant to neutral.

Actually, I enjoy it.

Votes: +2
Lynn84 28 May 2017

I also take trazodone of 100 MG every night. Started it 4 months ago. It gives me weird odd but not bad dreams every night.

Jharris89 5 Sep 2015

I have taken trazodone many times to help me sleep at night. After taking a break for about a week, I took my normal dosage of 50 mg last night. For the first time ever I experienced multiple horribly vivid nightmares. I can remember most details from a few different nightmares and they truly frightened me. I am going to give trazodone another try tonight but if the nightmares continue I am going to ask my doctor for an alternative medication.

Votes: +0
Amaw112 13 Aug 2015

I was put on 50mg Trazodone to help with insomnia caused by my antidepressants. Last night was the first time I had taken one and i had an awful, vivid dream that i can remember quite clearly. I am scared that this will continue to happen. The dream wasnt so much scary as disturbing and even thinking about it throughout the day, it bugs me in a weird way.

Votes: +3
mariai25 6 Aug 2015

They give me vivid weird dreams.. Not necessarily bad but stuff out of a movie.. To be frank, it's almost entertaining.. It's like I'm watching a flick every night... The Only problem is... Sometimes I don't remember if I actually did or didn't do something or if I just dreamth it...

Votes: +5
Prairiegal 23 April 2015

I just woke up from a light sleep. This drug gives me awful, vivid dreams. Very odd ones, often having to do with my mental health. I'll probably have to stop for that reason.

Votes: +2
jcobraxo 3 April 2015

I Been taking trazadone 50 mg every night for 3 months and I have nightmares every night but , I don't let them get to me

Votes: +1
cmr-116 5 Sep 2020

You wrote this in 2013. I have been on trazodone since about 1980. It was a brand new drug brought from California by my doctor because no other medications could help me. Fortunately, he prescribed another medication which is no longer being made that was called Flurazepam or commonly known as Dalmane. The two together stopped my nightmares and hallucinations, but now it's 2020 and Dalmane is no longer being made since 2019. I am having all kinds of problems of side affects and I'm trying to get off the trazodone, I'm at 200 mg. right now, but do not know if it's safe for me to withdraw it by myself. I am not getting any help from my doctor because he isn't familiar with my side-affects and just says that 'I have to live with it'. I want to tell him - 'YOU live with it!" If any of you have any experience with withdrawing trazodone, please let me know. I have not been able to find another doctor who - due to Covid, will take on another patient.

Inactive 15 July 2013

That is one of the reasons I stopped it. Very bad ones!

Votes: +4
Inactive 30 June 2013

yes I find any med I have used except for Xanax and possibly buspirone/Buspar... trazodone nefazodone..not so much..venlafaxine/Effexor even in low doses of Effexor any meds that affect the reuptake of serontonin can cause nightmares a friend of mine on this site is taking guanfacine/Tenex for this..not sure if they happened before taking meds or after..she is also on Buspar so maybe this can cause bad dreams..So I think maybe the Xanax and nefazodone did not cause bad dreams

Votes: +1
missmarymarie13 17 July 2013

Thank you... This gives me a lot to think about :)

Inactive 29 June 2013

Hello missmarymarie13. Yes. However, if the nightmares and dreams persist and you feel uncomfortable consult your doctor, who might offer another medication to replace the Trazodone with. Regards pledge

Votes: +1
Another2 29 June 2013

Yes that can happend to some people.

Votes: +2
kellytraz 1 Sep 2017

I have spent the last three months weaning from trazodone. While I was still using it, I had terrible nightmares almost every single night. As the level of trazodone in my system slowly became less, the nightmares became more and more infrequent. Now, I rarely have bad dreams. So for me, nightmares were definitely a side effect. And I'm just feeling better in general. Can't tell you how glad I am to be off the stuff!

Kellygyrl 1 Feb 2018

Thank you Kelly.
Last night was my first time taking it. 50mg.
My nightmares where psychological things I am going through. They were heavy
I woke up next day anxious and irritable.
Headache and my stomach is torn up.
I probably shouldn't take this.
It helps seeing another Kelly going through some things.

kellytraz 1 Feb 2018

Trazodone had been prescribed to me as a sleep aid. I was on it for a long, long time. It never did help me sleep but caused a lot of problems instead, including pretty serious digestive issues. And I did have a lot of nightmares. With the help of my doctor, I was able to eventually wean off of the trazodone and have been completely off since the end of August, so 5 months now. I also wound up seeking help from a nutritionist. With the help of both my doctor and the nutritionist, I've found more natural and healthy ways to be able to sleep at night (no more nightmares!) and my digestive health has also improved greatly, although that process has been very slow.


Although trazodone is helpful to some people either as an antidepressant and/or sleep aid, I learned that it certainly isn't for everyone. I'm a prime example. My overall health, since weaning from the trazodone, has improved with things like probiotics, a healthier diet, exercise, etc. Other supplements such as chamomile and another supplement sleep aid called "Insominitol" have been very beneficial.

I hope for anyone reading this, my experience and information will be helpful.

Kellygyrl 2 Feb 2018

Oh my. Yes. My stomach. Ok. No. I stayed on it a week now. My stomach has been torn up.

Kellyxoxo 15 Feb 2018

Well, I'll make this odd by introducing myself, my name is Kelly and I have nightmares when I take trazodone as well. Vivid and bothersome.

kellytraz 15 Feb 2018

Hello to the two Kellys with recent posts! About both the nightmares and digestive issues associated with trazodone: Once I was completely weaned from the trazodone, the nightmares finally stopped. So thank goodness for that. But the digestive issues have continued. I am under the care and supervision of both my doctor and a nutritionist. The serious digestive issues and problems can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to heal! I had no idea! I believe trazodone is an older medication that first came on the market in the early 1980s. That's over 35 years ago! I fault the doctor (she's no longer at the practice where I go) who prescribed it for me for not providing me with more critical information about the drug and I fault her for not prescribing a newer medication with fewer side effects. The encouraging news is that, although it has been very, very slow, my digestive system is improving and healing.


With the help of my nutritionist, I'm using supplements (much safer than some prescriptions!) and trying to live a generally healthier lifestyle (exercise, better food choices, etc.) that are allowing me to sleep much better at night and allowing me to have far less depression and anxiety. It's been a long haul for sure, but well worth all the work I've put into it. For anyone interested, I would be happy to list some of the supplements that I've found to be helpful. Just let me know if you'd like to know what they are.

Jacquelyn1234 17 Feb 2018

I’ve been taking trazodone for about a week and a half and though I’ve typically had vivid dreams for the past two nights I’ve been completely living through childhood abuse of things as they happened. I also came down with the flu two days ago but I freaking out. I think I’m going to discontinue the trazodone immediately.

kellytraz 17 Feb 2018

As for discontinuing use of the trazodone, I would caution you not to do it "cold turkey", as withdrawal symptoms can be very severe if you do it that way. When I decided to discontinue use of the trazodone, my doctor helped me come up with a "weaning schedule", so that I could get off the trazodone in a safe manner.

Bianca Calhoun 16 Nov 2018

So you can go throw withdraw when you getting off this free discount card

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nightmares, trazodone

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