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Does Trazodone make you hungry?

12 Answers

louielou 10 Nov 2022

I was always thin too. I have not noticed this.

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WildcatVet 10 Nov 2022

Trazodone can go either way and can potentially cause metabolic changes in some people:
Common (1% to 10% of users): Anorexia, increased appetite, weight gain, weight loss"

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elleon 10 Nov 2022

Finally I have found others with the same issues. I've been on Trazodone for 4yrs. When I notice 20 minutes later I was all of a sudden starving I mentioned it to my Dr. He told me that was weird that he'd never heard of that then dismissed it. I've been skinny all my life. I could eat anything and never gained a pound. Actually my problem was losing weight and being under weight. I was going through a lot including menopause so I trusted him. Now I've gained 75 pounds and I'm actually waking up starving and many times have actually fallen a sleep with food in my mouth. I just 2 weeks ago told him this and no changes.
Last night I didn't take any and I sleep through the entire night. That has not happened in I don't know how long. What a coincidence don't you think? I'm furious with my Dr. Any suggestions as how to handle this issue in my next apt. coming up?

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KBaesler 21 Feb 2022

Does trazodone cause a loss of appetite?

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KatyeC 2 Jan 2019

For me, personally no. I take it right before bed with a small glass of water. I have never noticed the medicine causing hunger, only relaxing while laying down in the bed.

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smc97 6 Nov 2018

I've been taking trazodone for about 6 months for insomnia since we made the decision to wean me off of xanax (I was building up too much tolerance). I've noticed that I get INSANELY hungry 15-30 minutes after taking it. I could be super comfy in bed ready to go to sleep but the hunger becomes too much to ignore and I have to get up and eat or I won't be able to sleep. Once I do eat I'm usually out within 20 minutes.

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MuseMyself 16 Sep 2018

I had that side effect & would eat after taking it. I was on a large dose as well. Once, I stopped taking it. I lost weight.

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Snazir 15 Sep 2018

I’ve been prescribed Trazodone 50mg for insomnia and depression. The first night I slept and dreamed like never before in many months. I have noticed my appetite has decreased and my mood is much better. I’m very pleased with the results!

Votes: +1
simkitkat66 29 Dec 2017

486ocean, hi. I also wondered if Trazodone was making me more hungry! That's a very good question you posted. I have been on Trazodone 50 mg for several years now, but it's only in the past year that I have gradually gained 10 pounds and I don't know why! I don't have a big appetite. Have you gained weight? Does the Trazodone help you with insomnia. Sometimes Trazodone helps me, and sometimes it doesn't help much at all with sleep. I hope you are doing well with the Trazodone and sleeping better.

Votes: +0
DeeDee1977 29 Dec 2017

I am currently taking trasadone. If I say up for more than 15 min after taking the medication I am so hungry. But the next day I have absolutely no appetite. I have lost 14 lbs in 3 mos. I am currently trying to wean myself off the drug.

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chuck1957 16 Nov 2013

Hi 486OCEAN I went a little deeper in my books from work and knowing i have taken trazodone at if i stayed up more than 15 minutes after i took it i was tearing the kitchen apart.And also several customers have complained about this Now the good new is that weight gain and loss are about the same of those taking the drug and those taking the sugar pill or placbo and most comman is weight loss..So here is the info i copyed and paste from trazodone anyway all the trazodone i dispenced i never seen anyone gain any noticable weight i feel nothing to worry about l... Chuck WISE retired Pharmacy Technician Cpht


Portland,or..this is the part i copied... In addition to the relatively common (i.e., greater than 1%) untoward events enumerated above, the following adverse events have been reported to occur in association with the use of Trazodone hydrochloride in the controlled clinical studies: akathisia, allergic reaction, anemia, chest pain, delayed urine flow, early menses, flatulence, hallucinations/delusions, hematuria, hyper-salivation, hypomania, impaired speech, impotence, increased appetite, increased libido, increased urinary frequency, missed periods, muscle twitches, numbness, and retrograde ejaculation.You well notice out of this manuf book it is increased appetite,now keep you mind on the fact That the most comman side effect is weight LOSS and gain is from 1% TO LESS here is the fact and i would say you have nothing to worry about have a great weekend. Chuck.

Votes: +2
486ocean 17 Nov 2013

Hi Chuck1957,

Thank you so much for sending that. How nice of you to do all that research! I do feel so much better now about the weight gain, or probably lack of, with Trazodone. I am on other medication, so I will have to research further. Thanks again and have a nice night.

DeeDee1977 29 Dec 2017

Thank u for your information u have given . the doctor that put me on trazadone never told me about any of the side effects. I am now trying to wean myself off of it 25 mg at a time I was on 300 mg I'm now down to 75 mg. So far no withdraw. Thanks again.

masso 16 Nov 2013

I checked the list of possible side effects an increased appetite is not listed.

Votes: +1
486ocean 16 Nov 2013

Thank you. That makes me feel a lot better! : )

masso 16 Nov 2013

Well, you are certainly welcome!

masso 16 Nov 2013

How Common Is Weight Loss With Trazodone?
In clinical studies of trazodone, weight loss occurred in up to 5.7 percent of people taking the drug. Although weight loss may be a desirable side effect for some people, too much weight loss can be a problem, especially if the weight loss is unwanted.

Why Does Trazodone Cause Weight Loss?
It is not entirely clear why trazodone can cause weight loss. The medication can often cause loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea, which may contribute to weight loss. Often, these side effects go away with time. However, let your healthcare provider know if this is not the case for you. Also, since weight gain can be a symptom of depression, treating the depression can lead to weight loss.

If you are experiencing too much weight loss with trazodone, be sure to let your healthcare provider know.

Reference: eMedTV


Trazodone use may cause weight loss in some people when they start using the antidepressant, eMedTV reports. The website states that researchers are unclear about why the drug decreases your weight, although other side effects may contribute to it. The organization states that if you feel depressed, you may gain weight, so feeling happier when you use trazodone may allow you to eat less. While you may desire this side effect from this medication, consult your doctor if you lose too much weight. You may need a medical evaluation because the weight loss may connect with some health issue.

References: Trazodone (Oral Route) Trazodone, University of Maryland Medical Center: Trazodone (By Mouth), MedlinePlus: Trazodone free discount card

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anxiety, insomnia, trazodone, appetite

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