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What is tramazem-100 is it over the counter?

3 Answers

rgrant942 18 Sep 2012

Tramazem is an international formulary of tramadol. The product is green geletin capsules. I don't know if it's available without prescription; I had a prescription for mine... it was shipped from an overseas pharmacy. Here's the info listed on the blister package: "Tramazem-100. Each geletin capsule contains tramadol hcl 100 mg. Mfg by Renumed Pharmaceutical Labs, Mumbai, India. Dosage: As directed by physician. A superior product made in India."

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debsurvivor 3 March 2013

Hello. I read your comment on Tramazem and want to know how you go about ordering the Tramazem. I purchased it and was not giving any address or phone number except what you mentioned above with the Renumed Pharma... I cannot believe it but that medication helped me trememdously. I live with nerve, severe pain 24/7 and am on alot of meds. Once I started taking the Tramazem I noticed a change in myself - I felt so much better. Thanks

lylacavanaugh 13 April 2013

My friend had the same green gelatin capsules that came from Renumed, Mumbai India and said Tramazen 50. These were the real thing. She paid 90$ plus 24 for shipping. She has a perscription from her local doctor for 180 per month but her doctor went to India on vacation by co-incidence! Keep searching on internet for "tramadol" and look close. The pharmacy will find you. You should be apprised there is an international pharmacy crackdown on now. So don't send cash or western union! You won't get your meds.

DzooBaby 10 Aug 2012

I dont think there is a drug called Tramazem that I know of. The ones I can think of that sound similar are Tramadol (which a typical dose is 100mg), tranxene, trazadone, and triazolam. Were you thinking of one of these? These are all prescription drugs. I did find mention of an OTC drug called tramaden. Perhaps this is what you were thinking of? It is supposed to be a natural COX-2 inhibitor. It has this natural COX-2 inhibitor ingredient plus some herbal pain relievers, MSM, hyaluronic acid among some other ingredients. It is supposed to offer the relief of COX-2 inhibitors (drugs like Celebrex, Vioxx, etc) without the bad side effects these drugs have. As to whether or not this drug works, I cannot say-I have never used it. I dont think it would hurt you unless you happened to be allergic to any of the ingredients.


If none of these drugs are what you were thinking of then recheck the name of the drug you are asking about and be sure to spell it correctly, or if you dont know, at least describe what it is used for so we have a better idea of what you are looking for! Hope this helps some.

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Rajive Goel 10 Aug 2012

Is tramazem - 100 : Tramadol? If yes, then its a prescription med.

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