since ultram also has an anti-depressant component to it, does anyone know if can or does cause this problem, as I know this is a side effect of alot of anti-depressant meds
Tramadol - can ultram cause lack of desire for sex?
Question posted by fitchick1961 on 15 July 2012
Last updated on 27 September 2019 by sxrxhnicole
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4 Answers
I just came across this, and realized how old this forum is, but, I believe it does. It definitely did for me. I got prescribed it for migraines & after 2 years, I got off of it, & my sex drive has already improved a lot. It went from super high, to basically nonexistent when I started taking it, & continued the whole time I was on it.
Hello fitchick1961. I was on Tramadol for close to a years time. Back then, I never experienced any side effects in regards to libido. Best of wishes to you, pledge
Hi, lack of labido is not listed as a known side effect of tramadol (check out the following link Although some people have reported it. Personally i have not expeienced it and neither has my friend who also takes it. It really depends on the person, everyone is different you know. I've not experienced lack of sexual desire from any pain killers i have ever taken, and have not heard of what Balbanese has posted? As i say, everyone is different though...
ty, yes I know it is not listed as side effect, however my therapist said more than likely it does add to it, as that is a very common side effect of almost all anti-depressants, my sex drive has never been that gr8 lol, but in last 3 yrs or so, been almost non-existent, which is about how long I have been taking ultram. I know some of it prob due to age, Im 50, and some prob situational, but just curious if anyone else has experienced this with ultram.
Hi, does your therapist put Tramadol in the antidepressants group? Just I've never heard that before? I know it has been proven to have SSRI properties, but always thought of it primarily as a synthetic opiate analgesic. Id be interested if you could let me know? : )
I know this is an old post, however I wasn't aware that tramadol was considered an antidepressant. I have been on tramadol for over 5 years now and have issues with bouts of depression and low sex drive and I am only 34. I need help with my depression and libido. I also feel like maybe I'm loosing my mind, like a crazy person. I'm not sure if it's the long term use of the drug or if it's my mental. Anyone have any background in the long term use in relation with mental health?
Yes it can, almost all pain killers do.
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ultram, tramadol, side effect, sex
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