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Why does tramadol improve your mood, as well as relieve pain?

3 Answers

Delila 17 March 2014

Tramadol is a synthetic opiate, and it has SSRI properties, which will both 'make you feel good'. This is why it can become habit forming/addictive.

Votes: +0
oliver1800dblog 29 Dec 2014

Like most anti-depressants it CAN also affect your orgasm ability. Males and females alike.
-Delaying it or making it totally absent.

For males, usually it does not have an effect on your ability to have and keep an erection however.

If you are a pre- ejaculator or want staying power - I recommend this drug with two thumbs up! Way up :) !

For pain, it does absolute wonders for me especially back pain. I am NOT on any other meds however.
As a mood elevator, again, this is an amazing drug. It can takes days, weeks or even months for a psychiatrist to get the right cocktail of drugs to combat depression and bi-polar disorder- and may never get the correct result.
This drug, has amazing, IMMEDIATE results for mood.

oliver1800dblog 29 Dec 2014

Like most anti-depressants it CAN also affect your orgasm ability. Males and females alike.
-Delaying it or making it totally absent.

For males, usually it does not have an effect on your ability to have and keep an erection however.

If you are a pre- ejaculator or want staying power - I recommend this drug with two thumbs up! Way up :) !

For pain, it does absolute wonders for me especially back pain. I am NOT on any other meds however.
As a mood elevator, again, this is an amazing drug. It can takes days, weeks or even months for a psychiatrist to get the right cocktail of drugs to combat depression and bi-polar disorder- and may never get the correct result.
This drug, has amazing, IMMEDIATE results for mood.

Dumpster Diver 13 March 2014

Hi elf62; I find your body's reaction to tramadol quite intresting, and a little
unusual. I was prescribed Tramadol once, a few years back and could not tolerate it. I got a bad reaction due to other meds I take, and still have a strong bad feeling
towards it! Everybody's so different... Take good care of yourself... dd*

Votes: +1
kaismama 12 March 2014

Because it has a mood elevating effect along with the pain med effect.

Votes: +0
hopefulemm 14 March 2014

does anyone know what the mood elevating agent is in this tramadol? i had been given this to help my arm for a fall and it help my fibro so so much it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel ... my fibro has been untreated thus far but i am going to a pain management place in April . is it un reasonable for me to tell them this worked on my fibro for the two weeks i was on it ? are they going to look at me like im drug seeking ? I am scared to tell them how i really feel cause they put anyone who complains of pain in the same classifcation. Even tho i clearly have the diagnosis of fibro from my PCP, a rhumetologist a neurologist and and a physciatrist and have no history of drug or alcohol abuse or use and i do not smoke . Because i live in a huge city where ppl so often abuse these things they treat everyone the same which is unfair.

Vthompson1989 23 Jan 2017

I'm sorry to say I have fibro and RA. I have had the same experience with every time I have seen a doctor!!! I have also had the same reaction to tramadol. I have been in pain with both fibro and RA for 10 years with no relief from the plethora of drugs "they" have had me try. All had side effects that I could not live with. Tramadol has helped in all areas with a side of Feel good"! When I read your post I had to reply. I hope you are doing well. free discount card

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bipolar disorder, pain, tramadol

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