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Is tramadol dangerous for people with cardic problems? Does it have any effect on the heart?

4 Answers

Sharonscott 20 Dec 2013

I was on tramadol and Prozac for quite sometime and had an issue with my heart. I looked it up. It can enhance Prozac and cause something heart to speed. The warning on putting these to drugs together was severe. So with this tramadol you really must check for interactions with other meds you are taking.

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Delila 20 Dec 2013

Hi, just another note, my mum was prescribed it, she has AF & has had a heart attack, and i was also prescribed it, and have a high incidence of heart disease within my family... no problems, or warnings to adhere to

Votes: +0
Chyk41 18 Dec 2013

There is no effect with cardiac problems but check for possible interactions with medication. It is a pain reliever but it is not an NSAID and that is where the problems are.

Votes: +1
agosch 18 Dec 2013

So it will more than likely thicken blood whereas when heart problems your blood should be thin to prevent blockage or good flow??? Thank you so much

kaismama 18 Dec 2013

Who said anything about thickening your blood? No it won't do that.

agosch 18 Dec 2013

Thank you for the reassurance. I feel much more calmer now :) and at peace.

kaismama 18 Dec 2013

I have a hereditary heart condition and have taken it for over 10 yrs. Just recently changed to something else. Rarely it can cause increase in heart rate.

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heart disease, pain, tramadol, heart

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