Hi, I have only been taking Topamax for about 3 weeks (25mg AM and 50mg PM). I haven't even really had many bad side effects either. Some dizziness in the beginning, but not too bad. I also take Forfivo XL, which is basically Welbutrin XL but with 450mg all in one pill. I actually think this helps because it keeps me alert and works against the drowsiness. I still seem to be getting tension headaches everyday, so I am wondering when it will start to work. Also I haven't noticed much with weight loss either. I feel some appetite suppression, soda does taste a bit funny, but all in all food still takes pretty good to me. Just for some info. on me: I am a 33 year old female, 130lbs, 5'5, with 3 kids 10 years old and younger. I suffer from depression, anxiety and tension headaches. Thanks!