This is the second tone I’ve tried this medication and both times I’ve had horrible increased tinnitus. I already have tinnitus that I wear hearing aides for but this surpasses the use of the hearing aides. This second time I started out super low at 6.25 which is 1/4 of a 25 mgs pill! I took for four days then went to 12.5 and by the 2nd day I woke up to my ear blasting just that fast! I stayed on it another 2 nights and the tinnitus was relentless, I slipped one night and that quick the next day it was calmed down but still there of course but not the same intensity. I took it again that night and here it is the morning and it’s back and awful as can be with pain behind my ear. I’m pretty sure it’s this medication even at this low dose of 12.5 increasing tinnitus. Tinnitus is listed under common side effects.