Hi! I just started the long wind up dosage of Topamax last night. So far, so good haha! I have read mostly positive reviews from the folks who are using it for weight loss, and mostly negative reviews from the ones who were prescribed the drug for migraines. I see a connection. MY goal has always been to stop obsessing over food. While I am not clinically overweight now, I have the ability to gain weight quickly. I recently lost the 80 pounds I gained when I stopped smoking in 2007, by using Phentermine. I have been at a plateau unable to lose anything for the past 3 months, so my doctor took me off of it. Hence, her new idea is to try Topamax. I'm pretty excited, but also a bit anxious. I have depressive/anxiety as well, and take Fluoxitine (Prozac) to keep me feeling normal. I am hopeful I will be successful on Topamax and lose my last 20 pounds and keep it off.