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Tizanidine - is it considered a narcotic?

6 Answers

Staceydevers 6 April 2018

I had took tizanidine 4mg for my 3rd day in a row IV been throwing up can't keep liquids down becoming very cold to extremely hot and mood change.

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Sandybaby2971 12 July 2019

It sounds like you are having withdrawals from opioids. Nausea, vomiting, hot and cold sweats, mood swings, plus runny nose and watery eyes are common for people having withdrawals. Tizanidine won’t do anything to help that. Have you recently stopped taking pain medicine?

Sunkist8 3 Jan 2018


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TERRIEBURNS 25 March 2017

is it a narcotic because I am on other narcotics-drug name tizanidine hcl 4 mg

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happybrandee 5 Jan 2013

No, it's a Muscle relaxer.

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Inactive 6 Jan 2013

Oh thanks Pledge. I already figured it out, very shortly that it was a muscle relaxer. but I appreciate you clarifying that for us. I hope everything is going great for you. Hmmm. haven't talked to you, well, it's been a while. I miss chatting with you, because we've never had a reason not to. Have we? Had a couple of issues with other's last year, but I've chosen to forget the past and be a better person this coming year. Because I have no ill feeling in my heart towards noone. Hopefully this coming year will bring people, family, and friends closer and back together. I hope you have been well. I'm sorry for not saying hey to you in a while. I hope Winston is growing into a beautiful pupp now. I hope to hear a quick hello back from you as well. Ruthie. I've always had the upmost respect for you, and think you are a gem to this site. Please take care. Things can be different this yr. Ruthie

Inactive 6 Jan 2013

Oh thanks Pledge. I already figured it out, very shortly that it was a muscle relaxer. but I appreciate you clarifying that for us. I hope everything is going great for you. Hmmm. haven't talked to you, well, it's been a while. I miss chatting with you, because we've never had a reason not to. Have we? Had a couple of issues with other's last year, but I've chosen to forget the past and be a better person this coming year. Because I have no ill feeling in my heart towards noone. Hopefully this coming year will bring people, family, and friends closer and back together. I hope you have been well. I'm sorry for not saying hey to you in a while. I hope Winston is growing into a beautiful pupp now. I hope to hear a quick hello back from you as well. Ruthie. I've always had the upmost respect for you, and think you are a gem to this site. Please take care. Things can be different this yr. Ruthie

Inactive 5 Jan 2013

Xhocolate, when I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, my Rheumatologist put me on Zanaflex, and I was one of the people that it made kinda spacey. The Dr. Said it would either quit in a few days, or I would need another one. I wandered the same thing myself? I've mainly heard no, but a couple of people questions. I will totally be honest though. I have went back and fourth with muscle relaxers due to the drowsiness effect, Tizanadine (Zanaflex), makes me a little drowsy, but it kills two birds with one stone. It helps my Fibro, and my horrific muscle spasm's. great luck to you, Ruthie

Votes: +0
cupcake7667 5 Jan 2013

Luckily it comes in 4 mg tablets. I too have played around with it and other muscle relaxers to see what's best. The good thing about Zanaflex is you can play around with your dosing per your doctors recs. for example I can take 1-3 capsules (I get brand name) three times daily. I can take one at work and function appropriately. 2-3 and I'm home bound, 3 and I'll sleep like a baby. Question: have you either noticed feeling complete disorientation when waking up and almost waking up with a jolt? It's hard to explain exactly but anything sound familiar?

Inactive 5 Jan 2013

Hy cupcake. How are you doing sweets? HKkoney I take a few meds for several diffeet medial conditions, like pain pills for back, neck, shoulders, knee's, etc... Nuerontin for Fibro, wich makes me a litte dizzy, Klonopin for anxiety/painick disorder. So I do wake up that way a little bit, oooh and I have evee insomnia and take something for it. It could any of those, or little bit of all of them. I'm just telling you the truth honey. I just don't know. How have you been doing? Send me a PQ sometime soon, or I'll catch you. Have a great day, and good to hear from you. Your Friend, ruthie

cupcake7667 5 Jan 2013

I think I'm waiting on a PQ from you :-) I'll have to go back and look but I will anyways to update you. What do you take for insomnia? Mine has gotten out of hand. I take other stuff for fibro and anxiety but I only notice this when I use Zanaflex instead of soma. I've had an interesting last couple of days but I'm doing much better! How are you? Or I'll send you a PQ and find out there :-) Catching up on rest today. Definitely needed!!! Chat soon Ruthie!

Inactive 6 Jan 2013

Hey cupcake... How are you sweets??? About the Zanaflex. I'm going to be honest here. Well... I always am. Lol. I have so many medical issues, unfortunately I have to take several medications. Well, that also depends on what one person would say a lot compared to another. What I'll finally say ( lol) is I take pain medication for back, neck, knees, etc.. I take Gabap. (Nuerontin) for Fibro which makes me a little woozy, and he has me on 4mg of Zanaflex 1-2 times... 4 times a day. Plus I have severe insomnia and take med. for that. So I have no clue what would make make me feel what. I told him, and he very well knows, I have major muscle spasm's and they go all the way across my back and up and down it and are very painful. I didn't ask him to write that amount and didn't pay attention until I got in the car, but I couldn't take 8mg of it to save my life girl. Lol. Maybe at night, but I haven't tried it. I know people on that amount though.


At the very beginning... I was prescribed Zanaflex capsules 6 mg. I couldn't tolerate it so down to 4. I'm very careful because I have a little guy to watch too and won't get looped on Anything!! But I believe overall, it is a great muscle relaxer. Sorry, didn't mean to type so much. Your friend, Ruthie

Lhu 3 April 2018

I'm taking tizanidine while titrating my use of clonazepam. My psychiatric nurse it would help me sleep, which is difficult as I have 16 surgical incisions - 13 in my torso. And 1 stab wound, but that's a story that needs a beer, and I don't drink. I just took my 1st 1/2 tablet and am curious as to what it will do if anything. Having had so many surgeries and at least 50 occasions where one of my lungs will pop and burp out a cup or so worth of air, I've had to take (but haven't for 2 years, since my last surgery) MANY narcotics. Will my history with/tolerance to narcotics affect the efficacy of the medicine? I'm also naturally resistant to sedatives and once woke during a sedation surgery on my neck to scratch my nose. Someone caught my arm, scratched my nose, and upped my dosage.


Another time I was having a mrfrf-oscopy and when the nurse gave me an amp of the sedative I related to her a story I heard about people talking under sedation and asked her not to ask me personal questions. She looked at me like I had 9 heads, said she wouldn't, and gave me another amp. I woke up being wheeled back and shocked the nurse pushing me. She remarked that I had a lot of medicine and couldn't believe I was awake. Now that I've established my pedigree, is this the medicine for me?

cupcake7667 5 Jan 2013

No, it's a muscle relaxer/antispasmodic. . Brand name Zanaflex. It can cause drowsiness. Best! CC

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cupcake7667 5 Jan 2013
Here's all the info regarding the medication/side effects etc. through free discount card

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