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Can tizanidine be used for anti-anxiety?


Inactive 6 Sep 2012

No, tizanidine is used in the treatment of muscle spasm; cluster headaches and belongs to the drug class skeletal muscle relaxants.

Read more at:

Click on the link (meds used in GAD):

I suggest you see a Psychiatrist to get you on the right meds.

Take care,


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tejas129 7 Sep 2012

As I said in my response,which has not been approved yet,this medication IS used to treat some aniety issues.It is a muscle relaxant,yes, but is also used in treatment for mild anxiety. If you have been diagnosed with GAD, then this med will likely not work well.As suggested,see a Pdoc,as they know these types of meds better than a GP. I am assuming that the GP is the one who diagnosed,given the fact that they gave such a mild,short lasting medication

Inactive 7 Sep 2012

Hi tejas129 and welcome to the site!


tejas129 7 Sep 2012


Inactive 7 Sep 2012

You are welcome tejas!

tejas129 6 Sep 2012

Yes it can.It is a mild muscle relaxant,that is short lived though.It is non addictive.But it is used in cases of mild anxiety,that is unrelated to anxiety disorders for the most part.

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anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, tizanidine

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