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Does tizanidine 4mg help with restless leg?

3 Answers

shirlk16 28 April 2018

Tizanidine doesn't assist with RLS and depending on the severity of your RLS it can actually aggravateit. Tizanidine does not affect the part of the brain necessary to feel relief. Parkinson drugs like Mirapex are outstanding with RLS. I suffer from it myself and take both medications. I can not sleep without the mirapex-at all. Definitely seek medical advice. I have had RLS since before it even had a name. Dr's didn't know anything about it so they have come a long way. Start on a low dose and gradually go up over years time. Good Luck!!

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Inactive 3 July 2014

It can help with RLS, plus help you fall asleep. If it doesn't help and you are losing sleep from it ask your Dr about medications to treat parkinson's as they work well for RLS.
Good luck!

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kaismama 3 July 2014

Its a muscle relaxer. With restless leg there is more involved then muscles, however anything is worth a try. Its most unpleasant to experience. If it helps you or your dr wants you to try it, then go for it.

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muscle spasm, restless legs syndrome, tizanidine

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