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Titralac Plus - Do you know why they have discontinued titralac?

7 Answers

Flyfast0704 29 Oct 2022

Titralac was a great antacid. My Urologist told me to stay away from any type of antacid which had an aluminum ingredient in it. I could not take many of the OTC antacids "except" for Titralac. The aluminum causes harm to the kidneys (according to my doctor). The product was produced in Australia and what was great about this product is that it DID NOT have any aluminum in it. I contacted the company when discovering that it had been discontinued in the USA. Think back because this was the time when the medical field was pushing the Purple Pill. Remember that ad campaign? Everywhere that purple pill. The purple pill was only available via Rx from a physician. Then the patent ran out and this product because an OTC product. Now, I use Peppermint oil in a small glass of water. I DO MISS TITRALAC. It was fabulous. I never take any of the other products.

Votes: +0
heyjude54 15 Sep 2021

Titralac is just a brand name for Simethicone. The same thing is available as Gas X, Phazyme, or save yourself some money and get Equate Gas Relief.
Before retiring, I was a health care professional all my life. I remembered using Titralac in the 70's (as a nurse back then) and I searched to see if it was still available. That's when I found it's just a brand name for Simethicone. Look for this in the listed ingredients.

Votes: +0
greatmom79 20 July 2020

I used Titralac for a very long time. The only thing I have found that comes close is Tums Chewable Cherry.

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BIRSayreSpeedwayFan 18 June 2020

I am so beyond peed off this was taken off, I have yet to find anything that works even half as good... UGH!!!

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ReathaE 17 May 2019

No. I wish I could find it.

Votes: +0
Sharkydo 19 July 2017

Medique brand Alcalak is the closest I have found to replace Titralac. It's not as great, but it helps. Before they discontinued Titralac, I didn't need prescription antacid. Booooo 3M! Bring Titralac back!

Votes: +0
neesyb210 16 May 2013

I contacted 3-M a few months ago and this was their reply. I have yet to find a product that works as well.. :(

Unfortunately, Titralac(TM) Antacid has been discontinued with no replacement. Our stock has been depleted and we are not aware of another source for the same or a similar item.

Discontinuing any products is a marketing decision and we regret the inconvenience. Your inquiry has been forwarded to the marketing department.

For information on our current products visit our website at

Votes: +1
craftinpat 25 July 2013

We have used Titralac for probably 35 + years. We have told many friends about this antacid and can't understand why you would discontinue something that works so well. Now we can only get it on line for $75.00 a bottle.

nocando 6 Dec 2013

seems to me some one got a lead this was gonna be discontinued an cleared the shelves so the can now sell it for $75 a bottle --- Shame on you 10 times over 3M, does that person work for you maybe not but i bet you know who it is

Carolekinderman 6 Oct 2014

Titralac is, or was, the best antacid on the market. If it didn't sell well it was because you could never find it! My husband and I are 3M retirees, with interactions of MANY seniors. We have recommended titralac to many people who, when they find it, love it. It works better than any other products out there. 3M, get on the ball, get it in the stores so we can find and buy it.

neesyb210 7 Oct 2014

Yep, used to be only at wal-mart before it was discontinued. I really miss it.

jbest77221 30 Oct 2014

Please bring titralac Bach I have used it for years a cm I am almost out. I have a hernia and it is the only thing that stops an just needs to be marketed that's all. Nothing works as as well

shirleydoe 14 Jan 2015

My husband (now deceased) and I both have used Titralac for many years, and have not found anything nearly as effective!! I have tried buying it everywhere and can't find it and now am told it is no longer available. WHY??? I am 83 yrs. old and would LOVE to be able to purchase it again, it gave me relief that no other product seems to. Please reconsider stocking it again!! Thank you!!

agdiazcorp 30 Jan 2015

I have used Titralac for my self,family, and patients, for decades. The superb,safe,and much more palatable product is an alternative to the more commonly used antacids that cause among other potential side effects, such as constipation,diarrhea,"milk alkali syndrome",malabsorption of drugs and food etc. There is no comparable or as safe a product on the market today!!! Sincerely, AGDiaz,M.D.

Al Croisant 8 April 2015

Again another voice... I want 3M to un-discontinue Titralac. It was the best. Still have a few and they are STILL the best. Tell the marketing department they made a mistake. 1 comment = 1000 people

MimiSusie 17 April 2015

Why doesn't some other drug company get smart & reproduce this?? I wish I could do that cause it would make millions!!!
Titralac was the best & so many want it. Does anyone know a drug rep?

timney412 11 Aug 2015

I think it was very irresponsible to discontinue Tetralac when it helped so many millions of people. Do your company and the people who want it back. ... bu bringing it back!

timney412 11 Aug 2015

I think it was very irresponsible to discontinue Tetralac when it helped so many millions of people. Do your company and the people who want it back. ... bu bringing it back!

toolaz1 21 Oct 2015

I have been looking all over for Titralac Antacid and was very disheartened to learn it has been discontinued. I have to wonder why. I works like nothing else does. After reviewing other's comments I can see I am not the only one who feels this way. With such demand for a product I wonder who made the irresponsible decision to discontinue it? I have told many people about this product and they are now upset too.

Michael Marciano 20 Nov 2015


Sltnbnu 29 Nov 2015

My sister has hypoparathyroidism and she had been on Titralac for many many years now that's discontinued we can't find any medication that works the same that is to increase the calcium level while decreases the potassium level. There's no other medication that does it. Please let me know if there's similar product. Thank you

franlb 25 Feb 2016

I jave used titralac since the 60s. It is the best thing I've ever used. Please bring it back. I always knew I could find it at Shopko. I wondered why I hadn't been able to find it. It's a sad day when a marketing department can't figure out a way to sell this wonderful product. I've never seen it advertised in all these years, even when I lived in an area where it was readily available. For these years when I haven't lived in an area where it's available, I always counted on being able to pick up a supply when I went home. I now have to hope something else might work. Please let me know if you decide to bring it back.

daycaresmiles 24 April 2016

Just adding another comment. My dad used this and only this product. And I am not a lover of spearmint, peppermint, or mint of any kind really. He always said, "You can chew it, suck on it, or just swallow it. If you have to burp, it'll make you burp; if you have to toot, it'll make you toot. But either way, it will settle your stomach." I finally got desperate enough to try it, putting my dislike for mint aside. It has saved me many times. Over the years, I have shared Titrilac with many friends and family members. I have been looking for it for a long time. I have had to go to "competitors, with not the same results. To whomever needs to hear this, please consider putting it back on the market.

Lgr2016 26 May 2016

PLEASEEEE bring Titralac back!!! The ONLY thing that works and you discontinue!!! Really??? Come on 3M, I can't believe the sales were not good enough!!! That's BS and you know it!!!

bjclink1962 6 July 2016

My dad used this from advise from his doctor. I used it with my three pregnancies. Even my girls used it. Nothing else compares to it. Why get rid of something so great? Please bring it back? In high demand

texasgene 7 Sep 2016

My grandfather was a doctor, and he prescribed only Titralac to his patients. I have used it for over half a century, but I haven't been able to find it for quite some time. Last purchased at CVS. I still have a few left, but it's a shame it's been discontinued. I can't take anything else. Needs to be brought back. Perhaps if 3M had bothered to advertise, more people would have known about it.

Tulsatime47 29 March 2017

Like so many others, I found that Titralac was the only product that ever worked for me. My son and my late husband always said the same thing. We recommended Titralac to all our friends. Why on earth was this highly effective product discontinued??? If it was because of not being a top seller, I don't believe it was marketed properly or effectively. If people tried it, they would never buy another product. Please show all these comments to your marketing department and please, please, bring back Titralac!

Patimsw 10 April 2017

Best antacid ever. Simple to use, easy to carry, effective, tasty. Still miss it even though haven't been able to find it for years now. New issue with heart meds necessitating me discontinuing my PPI. Sent me searching one more time. Have had to resort to GasX strips. Easy to carry and fairly effective. Cinnamon my fav.

skaizun 25 April 2017

The main active ingredient in Titralac is calcium carbonate (approx 420 milligrams per pill). It was the lack of additives (low sodium and saccharin instead of sugar; still wonder why they stopped making it? it's a shame they stopped it before the invention of non-saccharin sugar substitutes which are ubiquitous, today) and the way it was pressed for easy digestion that made it more effective than existing stomach soothers. Many drug stores carry a generic brand of calcium carbonate with few additives, but higher concentration. If you can't find it in the antacid aisle, just ask the pharmacist. Calcium carbonate in vitamin/mineral forms are processed differently, and may not be effective as stomach soothers, even if they are the only ingredient.

BigNes 26 May 2017

I want 3M to reinstate Titralac. It was the best. I still have a few and they are STILL the very best. Tell the marketing department they made a mistake. I am inclined to discontinue using any 3M products until Titralac is re-introduced to the market.

dscottsherry2 7 June 2017

My husband and I used this product because it always worked. Now when we need it most, we find it has been discontinued!!
Whoever works in your marketing department needs to rethink what they did. I know dozens of people, just in my area, and they all would rather take Titralac spearmint, then 2 other crappy tasting antacid/antigas. We've always thought taking less medicine is better. We need it brought back NOW!!!

kschiwart1983 19 Sep 2017

Sounds like they need to hire a new marketing department. Because the one I have now are idiots free discount card

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