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What time of day is it best to take Vesicare?


Marilynkat 30 Jan 2018

I don't think that there's a specific time of the day to take it. However they do tell you to take it the same time every day. One side effect is possible blurred vision so taking it at bedtime would be a good time to take it. I take mine with my other bedtime medications and that makes it easier for me to remember to take it. As long as you are taking it at the same time every day, that's what is important.

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margie1960 22 Jan 2018

What time of. Day is it best to take Vesicare 5mg

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margie1960 22 Jan 2018

I need an answer my mom is 86 yrs old doctor gave her Vesicare but it doesn't say when to take it morning or night or evening it just says take once a day free discount card

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