I take Wellbutrin XL 300 mg. When I was switched from Brand name Wellbutrin to Par, Anchen, & Actavis generics I became more depressed, and had adverse reactions like unexplainable weight gain, Rashes, allergies, contact dermatitis to products that I had never been allergic to before ( I had never even had contact dermatitis to any thing for that matter before being switched to Wellbutrin XL Generics) I'm sick of not feeling well, and receiving different generic brands every time I pick my medication up. I want to be able obtain the name brand Wellbutrin XL 300 mg even if I do have to pay $50.00 for it. It would be well worth it If it works The same as it used to for me When my insurance did pay for it. I have been taking Wellbutrin XL for 8 years now, and there is NO DOUBT that the generics are horrible And do not work for me. Thank you all in advance for taking your time to respond. :-)