I failed the 1st time. Its now a year later and I am trying again. I already feel like a failure,so it is making the second time around much more difficult, but I NEED to stop for my daughter! I have been having such anxiety this time around.I ALREADY have depression and I am on Zoloft, so crying in a days moment is nothing to me these days, except now it is amplified. I do not want it to get worse. Does anyone have suggestions? I do have Xanax, and have been reading about others taking it. Ehat are your thoughts? Thank you for any help that is out there.
This is my SECOND time attempting to use Chantix to aid in helping me to quit smoking?
Question posted by stansbery on 30 May 2010
Last updated on 1 March 2021 by RachelD3
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
9 Answers
I also am going to be taking Chantix for the 3rd time. I am also nervous, and I am on an anti-depressant as well it depends on the person how you feel. The only side effects I felt were vivid dreams, it didn't give me suicide intentions or anything along those lines. I would definitely try again. I will continue to try again as long as it takes for me to quit smoking, so long as long-term effects don't bother me or there is some sort of result in doing this. I am not only doing this for myself because I look at signs from God all the time and I keep seeing them from everywhere, but signs that I better quit smoking or I am also going to end up with Cancer. I am not getting signs that I'll die but I am getting signs of Cancer. I want to see my grandchildren live a long life. Just thinking of them now, watching her on my couch shows me as I am out of cigarettes now means I really don't need them.
I have a piece of Nicorette gum in my mouth, I can't quit on this gum alone. So to answer your question, just keep trying you are worth it. I want to hear from you when you can tell me you quit. It was nice to share my thoughts with you. Thank you.
This is probably my third attempt with chantix. I can honestly say I wish the first time I had quit fur good. I was sick to my stomach after every dose but I quit. Not long after I stopped taking it I started to smoke again. Now I'm taking this again for a few months and I'm still smoking half to one cigarette a day. I don't feel like it's as effective this time around. Not sure why I still want a cigarette. I HATE THEM! I'M GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME
keep telling yourself that its working. What we tell ourself we believe. You are DOING IT this time, only a little more and you will be smoke free, just one less to smoke a day It will happen! Bless you
One a day, that's great! You're so close you can do it. I'm jealous, and I'm rooting for you.
I think this is my third attempt using Chantix. I cannot comment on the other interactions with drugs as I am only on Chantix prescription but I believe you have to be ready to do it - and then you will be successful. Don't give in to the list of warnings the package contains. It's my personal belief that if you read all those warning you will start to believe you are experiencing them. I'm not saying they don't exist but they can certainly scare a person into believing that they will have all of them. Everyone will experience a different effect. Don't get discouraged. Hang in there and simply mentally tell yourself - "This is it - I am done." I have also found that not sharing my attempt to quit is better for me. That way if I don't succeed, then I don't feel as though I let anyone down but myself. Don't be hard on yourself; you're human and you need to allow a little wiggle room for error now and then. ;-)
For me this is about the third or fourth time, I can't even remember how many times I've tried to quit...
But I have decided this is the last time... I'm on chantix... and seems to work a little..I've now been without nicotine for about two months now...
but seriously even if medication can help some, the final decision is yours... meds and willpower are the only remedy... I still have the cravings for smoking, and I don't know if I'll ever get rid of them... or just have to live with them... So all those who are trying to quit... don't give up, it just takes determination and a lot of will power..but it's not impossible to succeed...
Good Luck.
$12.00 a pack? OMG How much does a gal of milk cost there? No wonder our economy is in such a rut!! I live in s.c. And a pack of cigs cost
$5.00 in a regular store and $3.00 on base. I still want to quit. I've been trying to find a friend of mine from Highschool for over 40yrs. Now. When I finally found her, she tells me that 11yrs. Ago she had throat cancer. She was my best friend when we were just 14 yrs. Old. That's how old we were when we smoked our first cig together. I felt so bad for her, and I don't want to end up the same. I quit a few years ago, about 32yrs. Ago, when I was pregnant with my first child. I started up again about 20yrs. Ago and haven't been able to stop. One of my kids smokes now and I feel so bad about it. It's a horrible way to die. My grandmother took days to die , pleading with god the whole time to make the pain stop. I don't want that to happen to me or my son..I want to be able and watch my grandson grow up.
I tried the patch and it made me sick. I 've heard a lot of bad things about chantix. Something has to work for me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, NIK
I smoked a pack a day for 23 years. I tried cold turkey, the patch, and Chantix. It has worked for me. I'm on it right now. You pick a date and you can smoke for one week.
It blocks the nicotine receptors rather than putting nicotine in your system. In fact, I found the patch made me have nightmares because you don't smoke when you're sleeping! I
recommend that you try it out. Make sure you eat food first. I tried it and thought I was ok after three months but I failed because I stopped it too early. This time, I've decided to stay on it for a year even if I've quit. I do find that it helps cravings and you only have to work on the actual "habit" of triggers (i.e. coffee, drinking alcohol which I quit prior to stopping smoking. The helps with your success. Even if you feel like you don't need it after a few months, continue because you can get drawn back in too easy.
As for the costs, I live in Manhattan where cigarettes are $11-12, so the cost of Chantix out weighs the cost of ciggies Insurance doesn't cover it for now so it's going to hit your wallet. Commit to it though and bite the bullet.
The only side effect for me is that you can be iratetated (sic) but you're going to be that way if you try to quit smoking via any method. Read side effects online or wherever.
Sorry for the long post but I have experience with it and I'm very pleased with the results. I've quit! That's the most important thing :)
ps - I'm into 6 months and no longer even want to smoke. Only when I drink coffee but I can skip that for now and have green tea with caffeine.
thank you for your post and your input. I am still on chantix and your right. For me,its the same way... I haven't h ad a cig in over 30 days. Don't really want one,THINK i'm doing awesome... stop tthe chantix and its a different story... so I'm going to stay on it for as long as I can afford it LOL... I did get a 30.00 coupon from the chantix website. BUT so far so good. Thank you so much for your support! good luck to you too!! and your doing an awesome job!!
G,Day nycsep Well i have been trying to smoke for years I had to go into Hospital to have my Gall Bladder taken out because i have cronic pain 24/7 they had the Pain Manager Team put me on Ketamine infushion with a Morphine pump i was in for 7days when i was able to come home i had Lost the urge to smoke i spoke to my Dr about this and She told me the Ketamine Resets your Brain Reseptors i had NO withdraws systems none at all i had the Opp on 27/08/2012 and still am smoke free , at $25 a Packet of 30 it is getting very expensive to smoke here in Australia your Not able to smoke in the street very soon the Govenment want the exsize for smoking raises,s it like Petrol $1.78 a Ltr and LPG $79 Cents The Fun Police are taking all our fun things away .//
My quit day was January 20, 2010. I have been off chantix since the end of March. The best advice I can give you is DO NOT go into this feeling like a failure. You weren’t ready last year and that’s okay. Beating yourself up is detrimental to your success this time around. April/May of 2009 I attempted to quit with the patch and was unsuccessful. Come January I picked myself up, dusted the failure off and tried again. Successfully thus far. You can do it. It’s not easy but it’s possible. Don’t psyche yourself out. Keep going and stay strong.
Thank you, this is great advice... and today I have "dusted" off the "failure" as you put it... slowly but surely I am starting to kinda... well... be proud of myself oddly enough, lol... as each day goes by. I know its possible... I know I can do this... but WOW... what a journey.
Thank you for commenting. I have tried WB in the past ... it had no effect on me unfortunatley. All I know is this whole process is taking such a toll on me. I also am 45 this year and have Fibromyalgia... the stress is an inhibitor to chronic pain with Fibromyalgia... so the more stress, the more chronic pain... the only thing helping the pain is laying in bed... BUT that doesn't work for the chronic back pain I have from prutruding L4 &L5 disc and arthritis, and it's especialy no good for my depression. Becasue I will litteraly stay there for days. So it's a constant double edge sword for me... and I know I sound so negative, but I just don't know HOW to even be posative and it be real... you know? anyhoo... I was thinking of ways how I can PHYSICALY MAKE myself get up and DO SOMETHING to help get my mind off smoking so I don't kill someone (joke of course)... thank you... because just HEARING others experiences in life and their own struggles helps me.
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant and has also been used to help people quit smoking... may be able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone... instead of 2 . i am also a mother and trying to quit smoking... i am 45 and am perimenapausal with PMDD pre-menstral disforic disorder... in other words in the days leading up to my period im a bitch! I've been doing better with the smoking but have only been on a "therapeautic dosage" for about a week(she started me out for a month on 150 once a day then upped it to twice a day last week) So the verdict on it is still up in the air! If it doesn't work for my type of depression (there are unique qualities to PMDD and Wellbutrin isn't typically used for it but since i wanted to quit smoking too she Rx it for me, also insurance companies wont always pay for it if they think it is for smoking cesstation ) Hope this helps!
Related topics
chantix, smoking, smoking cessation
Further information
- Chantix uses and safety info
- Chantix prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Chantix (detailed)
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