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The ER said I have a sinus infection is zyrtec any good for that?

3 Answers

paddyanne47 25 May 2011

hello ricoallie, i am a long time sufferer of acute sinus infections. if you went to the er i am assuming you were at an acute stage and in need of antibiotics. i am surprised that the doctors in the er did not give you a prescription. it will not go away without antibiotics and could make you very ill if left untreated. i urge you to go to a clinic and secure antibiotics to clear up this condition. because i avoided treatment throughout the years i now have to suffer some major consequences. please do not let it go. paddyanne47

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Inactive 24 May 2011

Doctors are hesitant to prescribe antibiotics for sinus infections, so an old ( I believe now dead) ENT of mine gave me a great tip that I have passed along many timnes with good results. Every night, before bed, take a Q-tip & put a small amout of vasoline on the tip. Place in as high as possible in your nostril, turn slowly & once remove knd of rub it in. Do the same for the other side with a different Q- tip. Can spread infection from one side to the other otherwise, As you sleep, the vasoline will coat the sinuses, & restore the villia to a normal condition. This works for allergies too. I do it everynight because of my allergies. Otherwias I wake with a stuffy nose. Good luck & give it a try. It may take a few days, but it does work...

Votes: +2
SHEsevEN4 8 Dec 2014

I agree with you, I use Lanolina HPA put a little on Q-tip small amount in your nostril doing the same with another Q-tip, its all natural and will keep sinus from drying out in winter with the heat, it works.

char1up 24 May 2011

Zyrtec is an allergy pill.However,some doctors believe that allergies can contribute to sinus infections.So,Zyrtec will not take the sinus infection away,but if you have seasonal allergies,Zyrtec will help!

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zyrtec, infections, sinusitis, sinus

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