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I’m taking 500mg of cephalexin every 6 hours, and I have to finish them in 10 days is that okay?


Stephen Treloar 26 Sep 2018

I suffer from occasional severe cellulitis and my standard antibiotic regime is 4000mg per day of IV cefazolin for 5 days followed by a further 5 days of oral cephalexin at 2000mg per day. I have never suffered from any side effects at that dosage but I don't know if that is a weight dependant dosage (I weigh about 190 pounds). For minor infections I am generally prescribed cephalexin at 1500mg per day (500mg X 3). I would not be concerned personally.

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LandonsGrampa 26 Sep 2018

The usual dose of oral Cephalexin capsules is 250 mg every 6 hours, but a dose of 500 mg every 12 hours may be administered. Treatment is administered for 7 to 14 days. For more severe infections larger doses of oral Cephalexin capsules may be needed, up to 4 grams daily in two to four equally divided doses. Did your doc instruct you to take a higher than normal dose or did you decide to double the dosage, to finish them off in a shorter amount of time? Doubling your dose is not safe in any way and taking 2000mg a day, is a crazy high dose. You might want to contact your HCP and have a chat with them.

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