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Zoloft Questions (Page 11)

Displaying 481 questions associated with Zoloft.

How long does Zoloft side effects last?

Hello! Just started taking Zoloft recently ( 25mg first 14 days then supposed to up to 50mg) I'm actually on day 4 and the side effects are really freaking me out. I've struggled for as long as I can remember with anxiety ( Health Anxiety to be exact ) it's taken me MANY years to... read more

Will Zoloft keep me awake?

My doctor just gave me Zoloft. Will it give me insomnia. I already have this issue if it does that I don't want to take it, since not sleeping is already a big issue for me beside depression and anxiety which all started when I took this new job. I was on it years ago but have been off of it... read more

Will increasing my Zoloft from 150 to 175 give me any side effects?

New here, just a little background on me - I've been on Sertraline for the past 5ish years. I started on a low dose, and noticed that every 4-6 months I'd have to increase just a bit because the anxiety would come back. I've always been reluctant about putting any sort of medication... read more

Drinking alcohol on Zoloft?

I am on Zoloft, 50 mg. I have been on it since Thanksgiving 2017. I have heard you shouldn't drink while on this (im on it for anxiety not depression), but i am 23 years old, so me never having a drink again is not realistic. I never go crazy when drinking (usually only 2 vodka lemonades when... read more

I have raised my Zoloft does from 50 mg to 75 mg?

I just raised my Zoloft from 50mg to 75mg 2 weeks ago. I have been on the 50 mg for 6 years and felt it stopped working. So my Dr raised my dose.The last few days I have had mild anxiety, heart racing and insomnia. I really did not think I would have theses side effects. I am just looking for... read more

Anyone know how long until my drug induced hairloss will stop?

Lexapro and Zoloft mad my hair fall out starting around 2 weeks. It increased and peaked at about 6-8 weeks and then slowed only some. I used minoxidil for over a year with the Lexapro bc I didn't want to go off of it. I finally decided to go off of it and my hairloss slowed down a few weeks... read more

I was prescribed Zoloft one year ago and was too afraid to take it after seeing the warnings?

I was prescribed this med for anxiety/ major depression. I didn’t take it now it’s a year later and my boyfriend wants to leave me because he’s tired of me be sad tired and anxious. I went to a therapist she told my doctor to prescribe me something for anxiety since I cannot ever... read more

Zoloft works and then stops working?

I have been on Zoloft for 10 weeks. I was originally on 60mg for about 6 years and it stopped working so we switched to a few others that caused bad side effects. Anyway Zoloft is one that has not given me horrible side effects other then making my anxiety and depression worse prior to it getting... read more

Sertraline/Zoloft - Dosage too high? Too Low? Give it more time?

Hi, I have been taking sertraline (Zoloft) for 8 weeks now and would love some advice from anyone who has taken sertraline for a long period and has seen positive effects! I started on 25mg for 1 week, upped to 50mg for another 3 weeks, and my doctor then suggested that I up my dosage to 100mg as... read more

I have been on 25mg of Zoloft for almost three weeks now.

I have been in a treatment resistant depression and anxiety for four years. My depression and anxiety have gotten much worse in the first three weeks and didn’t think that was possible. Will this get better? My psychologist says this is not typical.

Sertraline - Anyone else experience these side effects?

Hi all, a little background, I was on Zoloft 50mg for anxiety for about 10 years, but about four months ago I tapered off and have been officially off of it since November (2 months ago today). About two weeks ago I had a health scare (everything is fine now) and I started getting anxiety attacks... read more

Sertraline - What is the maximum dosage for lustral/zoloft?

What is the maximum effective dosage for lustral/zoloft? I am currently on 150mg which has worked well for the past year. Recently I have been overwhelmed with anxiety (ongoing pandemic and now war in Ukraine). Will increasing to 200mg settle my current anxiety?

I’m going of Zoloft will I have withdrawal?

I have been taking 25m of Zoloft for 5 days. I’ve decided that I’m stopping it today. I had some anxiety before taking it so The doctor thought Zoloft would help.It has been the 5 worst days that I’ve had in years.The anxiety tripled. I feel like my insides are shaking so bad. I... read more

Stopping Cymbalta starting Zoloft?

I started having panic/ anxiety attacks back in April. I had been taking Cymbalta for 20 years. My new pain management doctor decided to take me off Cymbalta (cold turkey) and start Zoloft 50 mg 8 weeks ago. He told me that the 2 drugs were in the same class which I later found out they... read more

Has anyone experienced hypersensitivity to sounds and temperatures?

Background: I’m suffering with acute anxiety and have been on Zoloft for 8 weeks. Started on 25 mg and increased to 50 mg (42 days ago ). Along with the awful symptoms ( shaking , depression etc) I have been experiencing sensitivity to noises and it’s getting worse every day. Even... read more

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