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Xanax Questions (Page 21)

Displaying 584 questions associated with Xanax.

My Dr switched me from 0.5mg of Xanax 3 times a day to 5 mg of Valium 3 times a day.

Should there beany problems with switching as in withdrawal or anything I should be aware of. Anyone made this kind of switch. Just trying to ease my nerves about it. I know it's probably all in my head, but just looking for experiences with this

Xanax - I just cut my dose from .5mg a day to .25mg. How many days would anybody suggest I go at?

... .25mg before I stop completely? I know it's weak, but it only took me two months to get addicted, and I want to kick the habit bad. A couple of weeks ago I stopped cold turkey not realizing that I would go through withdrawal, and ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack AND... read more

How long are xanax detectable in a urine test?

Have diarrhea from xanax withdrawl. Let it run its course?

Would it be better to let it run its course. Will I get through the withdrawl quicker that way, or would it hinder my sucess by taking something for the diarrhea? If it wont hurt what can I take that will help best w/ diarrhea? Been in bathroom for 3 days with stool like water, and severe gut... read more

When someone is high on Xanax, how do they act, what are the signs?

I need to know because I fear my daughter has been abusing them.

My boyfriend is addicted to drugs like xanax, loratabs, speed.. please help?

i really care about him, ALOT. But im so scared hes gonna end up doing something and overdose or something, i fear for his life, i cant just up and walk away, i really wanna help him but i dont know what to do, i told him how it bothered me that he did these drugs and he told me he would stop 1 day... read more

Is it possible for someone to fail a drug test even tho they did not do ANY drugs?

Is it possible for someone to fail a drug test even tho they did not do ANY drugs but thier girlfriend takes hydrocodone and xanax daily and he performs oral sex on her frequently?

Zanaprin over Xanaz?

I have recently been researching a drug called Zanaprin by Lazarus Labs. The company says their drug is a safe alternative to Xanax or Valium. However, I have yet to find any creditable customer reviews and am very skeptical of trying this drug. (Most of the information on Zanaprin, on other forums... read more

The first time I took the Xanax Xr 3 I was so out of it I couldn't function?

I thought I was going to pass out. I have taken regular Xanax for years in a 2mg dose. I was having a party for my son and was already tired. I took the Xanax XR 3 mg (AM) prior to the party and was slurring my words and nodding off through the entire party. I have been afraid to take it ever... read more

Can diarrhea be a side effect of Xanax?

I have anxiety and I was prescribed .5mg of Xanax to take as needed... I don't take it very often, normally like twice a month when I'm just really overwhelmed. But lately I've been unable to sleep -- I'm starting a small business and it's been incredibly stressful -- so... read more

Does xanax raise serotonin levels?

Would xanax 500 mg be a strong dose or normal?

Is 5mg of xanax equal to 5mg of valium?

Can xanax cause erectile dysfunction?

can it cause erectile dysfunction? Like have a semi erection instead of a total one?

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