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Wrist Questions

Displaying 13 questions associated with Wrist.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - I am not sure I can work with PMR. It takes A couple of hours in the?

... morning to get to a place where I can walk I'm week my wrists can't even pour my own teapot. Can I get disability? I am 58 years old and I am a schoolteacher but when I'm in so much pain I'm certainly not very patient

How do I relieve pain from a Prolia shot? I hurt in both of my arms. Really bad pain day and night.

After I had my Prolia shot. I am in serious pain in my wrist and both my shoulders, day and night pain and my hands hurt really bad. They did not hurt like this before the shot. Can someone tell me what I can I do for pain?

300mg Gabapentin Not Working?

It will be a month on January 4th since I've had surgery on four tendons in my right wrist as well as my medial nerve. Since then I have been a perscribed 300 milligrams motrin as well as percocet 5. I finished those, they really helped a lot. I recently started hand therapy about a week and... read more

Should my hand be this sore after cortisone injection?

I got a cortisone injection in my wrist a week ago. Was fine for 2 days following but since then my pain is far worse than beforehand. I feel like I am going to pass out from the pain and now the pain is traveling all the way from my fingers to my shoulder. Is this normal or should I be heading... read more

Lexapro - does it get worse before it gets better?

Hi all, I've been on many SSRI's in the past and had no side effects from any of them. This is my 5th day on lex an am having some joint pains, ringing ears and my left wrist is a bit swollen. The 1st 2 days were AMAZING - absolutely no anxiety, couldn't worry if i tried. Started to... read more

Is PS4 gaming bad for a healing wrist in a cast?

About 3 weeks ago I broken my right scaphoid in my wrist and had surgery on it immediately to put it back in place and allow it to heal. I'm 19, and am off work for a month or so to allow it to heal. My cast allows me to play PS4 well enough but I'm scared that playing PS4 will slow down... read more

Can I take Aleve safely while on my BP meds?

While I was on Lisinopril I was directed by my doctor to take Aleve for occasional pain and inflammation I was having in my back and thumb/wrist. Recently along with Lisinopril, another bp med, metoprolol Tartrate was added along with a low dose aspirin. When this happened I wasn't having... read more

Best pain medicine to take for severe pain that works with pregabalin?

I have been prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain ( bone on bone severe arthritis in both wrists, both shoulders, both feet have advanced arthritis & my back), twice a day. I take pregabalin for nerve damage (accidental cutting of nerve during back surgery causing dead nerves in one leg from knee to... read more

Is methotrexate dangerous?

I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which I have had for about 20 years quite mildly and not used medicines apart from naproxen, I've recently had an attack affecting knees and wrists and now have been advised to go on methotrexate, having read lots of comments about I am terrified... read more

Can long term use Lipitor cause heartburn, gas and upper torso muscle hurting?

I have taken Lipitor for more than 15 years. Since 12/29/16 I have been experiencing chest pain sometimes so severe that my neck, arms, wrists and back hurt. My wife rubs and pats my back and sometimes I pace the floor and after a few belches, it will subside. When the severe attack happens, it can... read more

Swollen wrist bones after Epsom Salts soak?

I soaked both hands and wrists in warm Epsom Salt water for wrist tendinitis pain. Now the single bone that sticks up at the top of each hand on the outside of each wrist seems swollen and now noticeably sticks up even more than normal. The bones and joints are not any more painful than before. Did... read more

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