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Withdrawal Questions (Page 7)

Related terms: Withdraw, Early Withdrawal

Displaying 387 questions associated with Withdrawal.

What can I do to avoid the horrible cold feeling I get from opiate withdrawal?

I have been addicted to oxycodone("Roxies") for over a year, I use between 2 and 7 30mg tablets a day, and I obtain them on the streets so I am wrecked financially because of my addiction. I've been trying to quit, but the worst part of the withdrawal is that when ever I attempt to... read more

Can I quit taking Suboxone after 4 days of taking it and NOT have withdrawals?

I took Norco 10/325 for 3 months due to back to back foot surgeries. The pain in my feet finally was bearble to where I did not need the Norco but I began having pretty bad withdrawals. I was having unbearable leg pain, anxiety and mentally seeking more. I found a doctor that prescribes Suboxone in... read more

Can I stop taking 500 mg. of Depakote cold turkey? My Neuro told me it was ok?

I was taking Depakote for PCS headaches for 3 months. First the Neuro told me to double the dose overnight because I was not getting better fast enough for him. That made me feel awful and raised my blood pressure so I told him I was going back down. He disagreed with me but said go ahead. Now he... read more

Quit Citalopram cold turkey last week, didn't think would have withdrawals, should I have tapered?

Day 2 I got dizzy and nauseous. Today is day 7 and I'm still slightly dizzy and nauseous. Plus I get hot and start sweating in an instant like turning on a switch. Anybody know how long this will last before I start feeling normal again? Should I give up and go get a lower dose or is the worst... read more

Will Cymbalta make me have bad withdrawal symptoms after only taking it two days?

My doc prescribed 20 milligrams of Cymbalta for anxiety and once I took it my heart rate and blood pressure went up! I stopped taking it today but I'm concerned if I will have any bad withdrawal symptoms after only taking it two days? Another question I have is it a stimulant? It sure feels... read more

Weaning off of Sertraline (aka Zoloft)?

Hi everyone. I am new to the forums and have a very important question. I am planning to wean off of my SSRI, Sertraline (generic of Zoloft). I have been on it for 4 months now. I was on 25, then 50, and for about 2 months now have been on 100mg. What is the best way to do this? Also, does... read more

Adderall and Tramadol low dose risks?

I am currently prescribed 200mg/day of tramadol and trying to slowly taper off to reduce withdrawal symptoms. I have seen there is a seizure risk when mixing adderall and tramadol, but I wanted to know if that risk is essentially eliminated if I am taking the adderall in the morning (10-20mg at... read more

Prednisone Side Effects/Withdrawal Symptoms?

So back in February, I was hospitalized due to having a Crohn's flare up. They gave me IV steroids and then put me on oral Prednisone when I was discharged. I was prescribed 50mg and tapered until I was off about a month later. Now, the day after I finally got off Prednisone, I went to the ER... read more

What are the symptoms of clonazepam withdrawal?

Many people speak of how awful it is to lower the dose of clonazepam but don’t really describe the symptoms. I’ve taken a pretty steady dose of this benzo (.125) daily for 2 years as I’ve tried to find an anti-anxiety medicine that works. Lexapro didn’t, I couldn’t... read more

What should I expect with Klonopin withdrawl?

I am just scared. I started pills in 1999 at age 26. And wow - I did have alot of success. But my body has not been off some type of pill now for 6 years. I have terrible withdrawal from tryimg to stop Lexapro and I have read other posts in here about that. BUT what I haven't seen is... read more

Anyone out there who experienced "extreme" episodes of sweating during Suboxone withdrawal?

This sweating includes night sweats so bad that I have to change pajamas 4 times per night. During the day, these episodes are so severe, that after showering, I cannot dress for at least 2 hours. Sweat drips from my head, down my face,back, and chest. No matter how much I blowdry my skin, I cannot... read more

Opiate Withdrawal - Was on percocets, found one 8 mg Suboxone & wondering about withdrawals? HELP!?

I was taking about 10 percocets a day and finally decided I have had enough of? being a prisoner to opiates. Saturday night I went all out and took about 10 percocets at one, snorted half an oxicotin and that was that. So I woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty terrible. I usually started every day... read more

Is it ok to cut the 15mg morphine tabs in half?

Some people say it's ok then others say it's wrong and can release to much into your system at once. 15mg not the extended release tabs..Maybe I shouldn't have started cutting them in half. Have a couple questions that I hope someone can answer,,, I'm trying to taper off of... read more

Any help with withdrawal symptoms. extreme nausea,no appetite,no sleep,muscle spasm, headache?

I have more withdrawals can't swallow, eyes can't focus,mind can't focus,rapid nerve firing,grinding teeth,no patience,there's more but that's good. I have taking xanax for 7yrs. Past couple years 3-6 mg a day XR. I have taken a year to tapered down to .5 . Haven't... read more

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