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Weight Questions (Page 20)

Displaying 831 questions associated with Weight.

Connective Tissue Disorders - I am gaining weight like crazy! And I am NOT on any steroids! Is there

... anyone out there with the same problem?? I have MCTD and I am showing new symptoms of 4 other diseases like every month. I am up to 6 specialists, will it get any better? 30lbs in 8 months is too much!!!

Fluoxetine - Weight gain or loss?

I have been taking Paroxetine for 2 months to relieve the hot flushes. The tablets have worked and my flushes are greatly reduced and less severe but I have gained 14lbs in weight!! I am now a stone over my normal weight. Has anyone had weight gain with Fluoxetine? I read one of the side effects... read more

Lexapro and weight gain - how to lose it after stopping?

Hi I know there's plenty of talk about lexapro and weight gain. I was on 5mg a day for 6 months but I've gained 10 pounds. I stopped the medication 5 weeks ago and play tennis 5 times a week & watch what I eat, but the scale does not budge! Does anyone have a success story about... read more

Does tramadol make me gain weight or prevent me losing some?

Hello, I am on tramadol since almost one year and since then I noticed that I never managed to lose some weight (maybe because of constipation but not only that I think). Do you think tramadol has anything to do with that fact?

Does a short term prednisone regimen cause significant weight gain?

I was on prednisone for only five days because I had bronchitis. Although I workout regularly I allowed myself to rest for a week because I probably got sick from running myself into the ground. I don't feel like I was overeating but now just a few days after stopping taking prednisone I blew... read more

Weight gain on Synthroid has me questioning the medicine?

I've been prescribed Synthroid since March because my Nurse Practitioner believes I have hypothyroidism. We did a test before starting any medication. You can see the results below: -TSH: 3.11 - T4: 8 - Free Thyroxine Index: 2.0 - T3 Uptake: 25 - Weight: 136 lbs My only concern is my weight.... read more

Any advice for someone who is considering taking Contrave?

I am considering starting Contrave! I want to lose weight especially by July! I just need some input and advice how to lose weight successfully with Contrave? I have weighed the heaviest I’ve been! I tried Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers. They didn’t work for me. Nutrisystem w got way... read more

Help! Afraid of possible weight gain Zoloft?

Hi. I started Zoloft 25mg & my doc will be increasing it to 50mg this week. I started taking it 3 weeks ago. The initial terrible sleep, worse restless legs & increased anxiety is subsiding a bit; it was a starting dose because I cannot tolerate Wellbutrin, Prozac and Effexor didn’t... read more

I have been prescribed mirtazapine 15mg. I am really worried about huge weight gain. Help!?

Does anyone know what dose (7.5, 15 or 30 mg) produces more carbohydrate cravings and consequent weight gain? That scares me. I couldn't find that information on the internet. Please help.

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Adverse side effects of Mounjaro?

Hello, I was prescribed Victoza for weight loss and had some of pretty intense side effects including Nausea, diarrhea, belching and fatigue. I dropped that immediately and now my Dr has me starting monjauro. Are my side effects going to be the same? If so, I don’t think I want to start it,... read more

OTC Water Pills

Chronic Pancreatitis - I quit taking Creon 10 sometime in July. I did not have the money to buy it?

... and have no health insurance. I have now lost so much weight, I look like a prisoner of war picture. My bones are almost sticking out of my skin. Should I refill the prescription I have or call the doctor?

Will taking phentermine cause me to become extremely irritable and have explosive mood swings?

I have been taking phentermine for going on 3 months now. I was really happy at first because I was losing weight, but now nothing seems to make me happy anymore. I have a bad attitude all of the time, I feel like everyone makes me mad. Please help. Should I stop taking the phentermine all together... read more

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