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Vertigo Questions (Page 4)

Related terms: Dizziness, Lightheadedness, dizzy, Loss of balance, Lightheadedness, Dizzy, Balance Disorder

Displaying 152 questions associated with Vertigo.

Singulair - I haven't taken this med for 2 weeks... what are withdrawal symptoms?

I have a constant nagging headache... dizzy... seem to forget things that should be simple... I have been feeling this way for almost 2 weeks. ..I'm actually on the generic of singular...

Did anyone else have extreme sickness when starting venlafaxine?

I've been on many anti depressants over the last 10 years but none have made me feel like this. After my first tablet of venlafaxine this morning I felt normal for the first hour then felt dizzy and sick, I eventually was sick and it really wasn't pleasant! Still feeling a bit sick now... read more

Has anyone experienced more headaches with gabapentin?

I am at a loss reading these reviews because my daughter has experienced more headaches than ever on it. She has vertigo, blurred vision and restlessness. She has experience fevers out of nowhere as well and when that happens she feels muscle weakness. After speaking to her neuro, they said we have... read more

I've been on lexapro for 5 months and forgot to take it the other night...woke up and took it in the

... morning yesterday since I missed my dose the night before... I took it again this morning, but I feel dizzy and nauseous... is that normal?

Is my reaction to my first day of Citalopram normal?

Today was my first time taking Citalopram. I took it before work and had to leave because I was feeling dizzy, spacey, couldn't think straight and was shaking pretty badly. Not to mention the foam that I threw up for about 20 minutes when I got home. I'm on the 20mg dose. Is this... read more

Effexor XR 150mgs. Can't stop shaking Inside help?

I just upped my dosage of Effexor XR to 150mgs 2 weeks ago. I have been shaky, dizzy, nauseous all this week. The first week I felt great. How long am I going to have to suffer with this anxiety until this medication works? I'm a nervous wreck. Any positive messages about this would be great.

Vitamin D taken once a day instead once a week?

I was prescribed for 50000 ui once a week, but I took it once a day for a week. I'm thirsty and dizzy... what should I do? Should I go to the emergency room?

Can Wellbutrin cause your jaws feel like they are righting up?

I take 150 mg. a day , I get headaches, dizziness, and nausea. I take celexa with it. But I do suffer from vertigo at times.

Flushed, warm, tingly sensation following Prozac use?

I am on week 2 of an increase from 20 mg to 40 mg of Prozac for depression. I only took the 20 mg dosage for 2 weeks. Before then, I had been on Pristiq for 9 months. I am experiencing a dizzy feeling in my head accompanied by a warm, tingling sensation, dilated pupils, shakiness, among other... read more

Zoloft/sertraline side effects at day 19? Is this normal?

I started sertraline 19 days ago and was pretty miserable for 2 weeks, nausea constipation, diareah tremors just overall sick feeling and dizzy too. Then for 5 plus days felt really well. But last night I woke up with panic attack and it has carried over into today.. Jittery tremor feeling inside... read more

Can a person reduce their dose of Xarelto from 20mg to 15mg or 10mg?

Taking 20mg of Xarelto for about 6 months. Lots headaches and sometimes dizzy. Would lowering dose help? Can dose be lowered safety? Can a person get off this drug safely?

Started Lexapro 6 days ago to treat health anxiety but experience side effects. Continue or stop?

I started Lexapro six days ago for Health Anxiety as I suffer from a chronic gut disease. I am taking 5 gr in the morning with some food. Day 1: drowsiness and diarrhea. Day 2, 3 and 4: dizzy, general feeling of unwell, lose of appetite due to nausea. Day 4: all the above plus a slight headache.... read more

Propranolol/anxiety/panicked attacks?

The doctor in A&E prescribed me 10mg twice a day. I’ve not taken it yet because the doctor said to take it when I start to feel a bit better as I still feel a bit dizzy and they can make me more dizzy. Is this medication good? For anxiety and panic attacks? also does this medication... read more

Trying to cut paxil back by cutting in half, makes me dizzy if standing and turn head makes me?

extremely dizzy any thoughts would be appreciated, i would like to get off this drug

Will Lexapro help for vertigo too ?

Hello. I have severe anxiety, depression, headaches, severe vertigo and am medication resistant. I've tried about 20 different antidepressants with no luck due to side effects. My question is, has anyone heard of lexapro helping with vertigo along with the anxiety/depression part of it.... read more

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