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Vaccine Questions

Displaying 59 questions associated with Vaccine.

Prevnar 20 vs Pneumovax 23: Which vaccine is right for you?

Which pneumonia vaccine should I have?

Can the shingles vaccine cause a genital herpes outbreak?

I got my vaccine on a Friday, felt headachy and rundown all weekend. By Tuesday I was getting an outbreak. I hadn't had one in a pretty long time and I take acyclovir when I do. Coincidence or a side effect of the vaccine?

Does the BCG vaccine for TB help with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Can a TB (tuberculosis) vaccine be used for Covid-19 (coronavirus)?

12 Winter Wellness Tips to Stay Healthy

What are the side effects of the flu shot?

Why there is no vaccine for hepatitis C?

How well does the flu vaccine work?

Where can I get the flu vaccine right now?

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