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Tramadol Questions (Page 7)

Displaying 486 questions associated with Tramadol.

Is Tramadol good for chronic back pain after a back surgery?

I have chronic pain because of a herniated disc and disc surgery and the dr. told me the muscle is spasaming around the bone to protect it? Would Tramadol be good for the relief of those muscle spasms?

Can I take aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol along with tramadol?

If the pain is really bad?

What does clonidine and tramadol do when taken together?

as a pharmacy tech i have heard these drugs taken together are for drug seekers! does this cause some kind of high? i cant find any info on what these 2 drugs do to a patient when combined! thank you

I am taking Methadone - what will happen if I take Tramadol, will Tramadol put me into withdrawal?

I was offered Tramadol by my pain management doctor today. I am currently on Methadone for pain. I take 200 mgs. a day in divided doses. When checking the interaction between the two medications, there was a sentence I didn't understand. I was wondering if anyone could tell me (in laymans... read more

Dr. gave me 50mg of Tramadol which gives no relief. Does it have to build up in my system?

I have severe arthritis in my shoulder. The tramadol is worse than taking nothing since it can upset my stomach. I have to wait 3 weeks for an appt. with a new Dr. since this dr. looked at me like "oh, well... " when I told him the Tramadol doesn't work. I need pain relief but... read more

I was prescribed Tramadol for arthritis- like pain in my hands & joints because of the repetitivene?

Repetitiveness of my job. I was only prescribed two 50 mg per day which did absolutely nothing so I gradually increased to 3 & then 4 & then 5 or six AT A TIME... Only that amount eased my pain. Needless to say, my monthly prescriptions only lasted about 10 days but I never had adverse... read more

Stopping meds for myelogram CT?

Dear Friends, I'm concerned about a Myelogram CT that I'm having on the 19th. I have to stop my antidepressants and pain meds for 2 days before the test and resume then 24 hours later. These are meds I have been on for a long time. Here is my concern: will I have enough built into my... read more

What is the common ingredient in tramadol, ibuprofen and asprin?

At a young age i had an allergic reaction to asprin causing my lips and face to swell. Over time i have had the same reaction with Ibuprofen so my doctor prescribed me Tramadol but after taking it for the first time the same thing happened causing my face to swell. What is it that i may be allergic... read more

When switching from tylenol/hydrocodone to tramadol, how long should you wait before the switch?

How many hours should you wait before taking your first dose of Tramadol when you were just switched to it from Tylenol/hyrocodone for pain? I took two tylenol 500/hydrocodone 5MG at 7:00 a.m. Can I take the Tramadol at 7:00 p.m. or how long should I wait to avoid a potential problem? Thank you.

Has any man experienced loss of libido whilst using Tramadol?

My hubby has been on Tramadol for a number of months and has no interest in sex and cannot get an erection. Dont know if its the Tramadol or the pain and depression thats causing it. He had kidney cancer 9 years ago and had an operation to remove is right kidney. Recovery was good in the first... read more

How long should I wait to take trazadone after I've taken tramadol?

I take my tramadol at 8 a.m. and don't know when I should take my trazadone and I haven't taken it yet because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. labeled it a major interaction and I don't know if my doctor was attentive in prescribing this since it was two different... read more

Is it OK to take Tramadol and Cymbalta together?

I am currently taking 50 mg Tramadol 2-3x a day for pain from PMR & arthritis. Doctor just prescribed Cymbalta, 30mg 1x day. Is it safe to take these together?

Has anyone had memory loss and feelings of anger from taking tramadol?

I was prescribed 50 milligrams of tramadol a day. I have been taking this for about 3 years now. My memory is really bad. Sometimes I can't even remember things that happened two days ago. I used to be a heavy drinker but, my memory was even good from that. It has only been since I started... read more

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