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Thyroidectomy Questions

Displaying 3 questions associated with Thyroidectomy.

Does clomipramine cause severe fatigue and weakness. I only take about 10mgs for a few days?

I've only taken about 10mgs at night for a few days and already feel extremely weak with absolutely no energy. I've had a total thyroidectomy and take levothyroxine every morning. I can't take any ssris as one of them made me suicidal and had very bad reactions to every one I took. I... read more

Why thyroid levels keep changing?

Had my blood work this wk and my thyroid level was down again. I do not have a thyroid. My level stayed the same for 7 yrs. After I had my breakdown it drops everytime I get my blood work, I started at 100mcg and it has changed 4x, now I'm on 50mcg. I ask the doc why, he said it was hard to... read more

What happens is I don't take levothyroxine after thyroidectomy?

Had thyroid taken out last year, the meds are just as bad so I haven't been taking them. They didn't even need to take it out! I don't feel the same, the after effects make me feel bad.. What happens if I stop taking it completely, I feel better when I don't take it... But I... read more

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