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Surgery Questions (Page 6)

Displaying 218 questions associated with Surgery.

Drug absorbtion after gastric bypass surgery?

i take oxycodone as part of my regular treatment plan for RA and i have had gastric bypass surgery a few years back. i get conflicting answers on how accurately the meds are absorbed because apparently food is not absorbed correctly and i have to b on supplements all the time. can it affect my... read more

Orthopedic Surgery - how much more does a shoulder replacement weigh than a regular shoulder?

In other words, how much more does the Titanium weigh in reverse total shoulder replacement surgery than the bone that's removed?

Bladder sling surgery for stress incontinence, will I be able to return to work in 2 weeks?

My doctor said that I should be able to return to work in 2 weeks. I am now worried about whether I will be able to return to work in 2 weeks. It is ambulatory surgery but I was told that I must rest for the surgery to correct the condition and to heal properly. It is important that I return to... read more

Is Metanx efficacious for non-diabetic idiopathic peripheral neuropathy?

I am an 82 year old male, former long distance runner (marathon at age 72). I had minor (needle) surgery for a painful degenerating disc about 20 years ago which gave complete relief from back pain ever since. I have had PN since 2001, which seems to have been exacerbated by running that last... read more

Is tramadol giving my dog diarrhea?

my Labrador has been given tramadol after major surgery to remove a mast cell tumour from her head. She went to an Oncology referral practice, and was an in-patient for 2 days following her surgery. We have to give her one 50mg tab twice daily. She has now devoloped diarrhea. Could this be the... read more

What is difference between Nexium 40 mg and Esomeprazole Mag DR 40 mg? My ins company switched me?

I had esophagus cancer surgery 4 years ago. I was prescribed Nexium 40mg twice per day. Last month my ins company switched me to Esomeprazole Mag DR 40 mg once per day. I understood there was no generic for Nexium.

Is Compazine prescribed for pain?

This was prescribed for me with another medication for pain after my knee surgery. I can't remember ever taking this but I am going to undergo another surgery and trying to figure out if I should discard this prescription

How long will I have to take Keppra after craniotomy for benign meningioma ?

I had a seizure and collapsed. They found a brain tumour in the hospital. I had surgery to remove a benign meningioma from the frontal lobe. The operation was ten weeks ago. I am taking 500mg Keppra twice daily. How long will I have to continue taking this for ? I do not have epilepsy.

What is the best medicine for a broken bone?

I have broke my top arm close to rotator cuff that does not require surgery as per doctor. They immobilized arm with sling. I I have been taking percocets 10's 3 to 4 times a day. They are not totally effective in taking pain away. I I keep a dull ache in whole arm pretty much constant. This... read more

I’ve had gastric bypass surgery. I was told never to take aspirin or aspirin products?

My doctor had me on Arthritis strength Tylenol 650mg, 2 tabs twice daily. I recently had to see her assistant who put me on meloxicam 7.5mg at bedtime. Since I’ve been taking it I’ve noticed I’ve started having stomach problems such as burning, indigestion. Should I ask about the... read more

Efficacy of Cymbalta vs duloxetine?

I suffer from nerve pain resulting from a failed back surgery. Recently I noticed that my pharmacy had substituted duloxetine for the prescribed Cymbalta. Concurrently, I noticed a higher level of pain. Could it be that Cymbalta’s efficacy is higher than duloxetine?

List of all beta blockers?

we are doing some research studies of effect of giving or holding beta blockers at time of surgery. It seems there are some new ones out there. Could I have a list of all beta blockers available: thanks

What is the difference between Flector patch and Voltaren gel? My wife needs diclofenac because she?

... had knee surgery but my insurance will not pay for flector patch only voltaren gel?

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