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Subutex Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 47 questions associated with Subutex.

Has anyone gone from Suboxone to Subutex?

I've done some research and decided to make the switch. I read Thor283 is having problems with generic, and cost is definitely an issue. Which generic is best? Does Subutex work better than Suboxone? Spare me the "they are the same unless you plan on abusing" story, please. I would... read more

Suboxone/Subutex reactions...anybody?

I am curious to know if anyone has ever had a reaction to subs that is similar to what I am having. It feels like (to me) that the subs are building up in my system and causing some symptoms that are similar to RA and Fibro. I was wondering if it is, in fact, my disease, or could it be the... read more

Need to know how much suboxone is needed and how long do I need to take it untill Im sub free?

I have been using roxys for over a year now and I'm finally through. I obtained a few subutex as well as suboxone. Im thinking of taking the subutex first (since it does not have the opiate blocker) then switch to the suboxone? Is this a good idea? And can I take suboxone after subutex without... read more

Are there withdrawl symptoms with the Vivitrol Injection?

I am currently 78 hours off of Subutex after almost 3 years on Suboxone after checking into a detox center for Opiod dependency, and last Monday I told my doctor that I wanted to get off of the Subutex. I had been taking 2 mg 2 x a day or sometimes 1x a day and did pretty well. Now I am afraid that... read more

Can I take subutex 24hrs after taking 14mgs of methadone?

how long do you have to wait to switch from the subutex to the suboxone?? I just don't want to feel like sh*t coming off of the methadone after 3 years... I am so ready to get over feeling like blahhhh when I don't have anything!! I plan on using 4mg of suboxone a day for about 2 weeks so... read more

Helping pregnant girlfriend getting off Suboxone/Subutex using deception? Opinions?

Hello, My girlfriend has been taking Suboxone for one year and one month. She went from 4mg (for about 10 month) to 2mg every other day during the last weeks. Once she became pregnant I was very worry of the unknown side effects of Suboxone and health problems on the fetus or child. I didn't... read more

When you take subutex with opiates in your system, will you be thrown into instant withdrawl?

I know you have to wait at least 12 hours with soboxen. a friend told me subutex can be taken as early as 2 hours after herion use.

Has anyone noticed a difference between generic Subutex and regular Subutex?

Hi Everyone. I am sorry I haven't been on lately. I'm having such a hard time and now I'm noticing that the generic Subutex' s all act differently. I was on the little round white pill and that made me feel like I was going through withdrawal and I was sweating unbelievably. Now... read more

Subutex and hydrocodone?

I am taking subutex but have run out. When can I start taking hydrocodone so that I don't go into withdrawal.

Why do I need to take suboxone/subutex twice a day?

I've been taking 1 mg. of suboxone every morning about 9 am but by 3 or 4 pm notice that I feel like I'm running out of energy and getting very anxious so I have been taking 1/2 mg. of suboxone or sometimes a full mg. at around 3 or 4 pm. Do you think if I took 2 mgs. of suboxone in the... read more

Were All Doctors Given Permission to Prescribe Suboxone or Buprenorphine?

I heard a rumor about this, last week. Does anyone know if it's true? I tend to doubt it, although I wish it was true. I personally see no reason why any doc with a DEA license can't write Sub or Bupe. If they can write Methadone, they should be able to write for Buprenorphine in any of... read more

If I am on 50 mg of methadone and I start subutex NOT suboxone, will I still get really sick?

What should I do, i want off the methadone asap... its ruining my life!!! has anyone experienced taking subutex NOT suboxone decause suboxone has the Narcof in it... Any suggestions?

Why No Energy with Subutex?

The generic Subutex that is. I just read a question by a person who uses Suboxone mainly for the energy boost. And many of you here have been honest enough to admit you also got an energy boost from Sub. And quite honestly when I was on the NB Subutex from 2005 - 2009 I always got an energy boost... read more

Percocets while on subutex?

Today I went to the er for an abscessed tooth I am in so much pain! I am on subutex not suboxone and the last time I took it was at about two in the am but only half if I take this percocet will I go into w/d. Please help! someone who has done this before

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Opiate Dependence - Maintenance, Opiate Dependence

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