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Sleep Disorder Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 228 questions associated with Sleep Disorder.

Extended release tramadol - I can't sleep!!?

I've been prescribed extended (slow) release tramadol, 100mg dose twice a day. The doctor said to the them 12 hours apart. The problem is I'm not sleeping... literally 4 hours a night, and by 8am I'm shattered and having to nap for an hour. Can I take them 6-8 hours apart instead or... read more

Mirtazapine - 15 mg vs 30 mg, for sleep issues. Which one works better?

Ok so I would like to mention that I have been taking this drug for 2 weeks now, but no improvment on my sleep, I started to feel better some days, increased my apetite which ss a good thing, and I am falling asleep when I am really tired, but so was when I wasnt taking it. The thing is I wake up... read more

Gabapentin with Klonopin for sleep?

Anyone out there taking Gabapentin with Klonopin for sleep together? My doctor just prescribed then but it seems like a strange combination for sleep and anxiety that i am having.

Why does Adderall make my husband so tired?

He started taking for ADHD a few weeks ago, and while it's helping his focus and his anxiety and depression a great deal, he has very little motivation and sleeps long into the morning and falls asleep early. I believe his dose may be too low? Or maybe he needs it broken up over the day?

Is it safe to take benadryl with seroquel and klonopin for sleep?

I have really bad insomnia and take seroquel 200mg and I take 3 .5 klonopins a day one at night. I added 50mg Benadryl and have been sleeping better and was just making sure it is safe with what else I am taking. Thanks!!

Anyone taking Celexa (Citalopram) and Klonopin (Clonezepam), feeling depressed/sleepy?

I'm taking 20mg of Celexa cut down from 40 about a year ago, and 5mg of Klonopin. Just once a day usually in the morning. Lately have been really sleepy. I have a tech job where I travel a decent amount so some days I just to go a local park and nap for an hour or so in my car at random times.... read more

I am on Vyvanse for my ADHD and I've been having trouble sleeping. How can I get more sleep?

I am a 15 year old girl and I've been taking Vyanse since I was about 8. School just got out and my mom wanted me to gradually get off my medicine for the summer because my meds make me grouchy and she wanted to try something more natural. I started taking half a dose but on the third day I... read more

Wondering should I split my amitriptyline dosage?

I'm currently on 125mg amitriptyline at bedtime to help me sleep... i find out does this but i wake up agitated, anxious, heart thinking and extremely foggy headed/confused. was wondering what might happen if i somehow split the dose to some at night and then some in the morning? or can i... read more

Buspirone makes me sleepy and then gives energy?

I have generalized anxiety and was prescribed 5mg buspirone twice a day but I only take it once well today is day 3 and I'm noticing a pattern, after I take it I get super sleepy like 30 mins later and then its weird like aftr an hour of being sleepy I all of a sudden have energy and then... read more

I take ibuprofen, gabapentin and buspirone 2x a day. What can I take to sleep? Possibly unison?

The ibuprofen and gabapentin are for sciatica. The buspirone is for panic/anxiety. I can't sleep at all. Advice please.

Diphenhydramine - Benadryl and Adderall combinations OK?

I took 2 20 mgs of Adderall today as prescribed to me. Now I'm trying to sleep. Can I take 25 mgs of Benadryl?

Can you use amitripyline as and when needed to help with sleep?

I'm not sleeping well after some devastating family news. My mind goes into overdrive and keeps me awake. I've been prescribed amitripyline 10mg at night to help. I work in social care and work night shifts a couple of times a week, so can't take it when I need to stay awake all... read more

Hydroxyzine - Terrified to take my first dose?

I have severe anxiety. I am going through menopause and I take Lorazepam, 1 mg at night so I can sleep. My anxiety causes me to be terrified to try new meds, in fear of side effects and making me feel worse. Please help!!! I really want to try this, and I would love to be able to eventually stop... read more

How long as in minutes does it take mirtazapine 15 mg tablets to work?

I was just put on this medicine today and I suffer from insomnia. How many minutes will it take for it to help me sleep?

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