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Side Effect Questions (Page 17)

Displaying 1878 questions associated with Side Effect.

Lisinopril side effects. How long do they last?

I'm a 51 yr old male. I have never taken any long term medicines my entire life. Recently I was diagnosed with high bp and put on 5 mg of lisinopril daily. I'm not sure that I like the side effects. Dizziness, slight headaches and having the feeling of just being not being myself. Can... read more

Does clonidine or Hyzaar cause a weight gain?

I have been using clonidine and Hyzaar for high blood pressure for a few months now and noticed 10 to 15 pounds of weight gain. Has anyone else experienced the weight gain and is it a normal side effect? I am a health conscious person and my eating habits are the same as before I started the... read more

Citalopram - what side effects have you had, was it effective, how easy was it to stop?

I've just started 20mg of citalopram for depression and anxiety. What side effects have you had anyone had who's taken it? it's causing me problems sleeping. i don't know if i can stay on it if this is going to be the norm. also, has anyone found citalopram to be effective in... read more

I'm addicted to tramadol I take 600mg. A day does anyone know the best way to deal and cope with all

... these side effects??? From restlessness to depression not sleeping nausea feeling spaced out no sleep at all etc.. the list goes on. Please help I have been taking tramadol for 6mon. Now and can tell I'm defiantly addicted to them now that Im trying to stop cold turkey I'm going crazy... read more

What happens when you suddenly stop taking effexor 150mg?

possible side effects? i currently have been without my effexor for about 4 days, would nausea be a side effect... how long does it usually last?

Prozac and Insomnia?

Hi, favour to ask: detailed answers requested! :-). Anyone whose had experience with Prozac and the side effect of insomnia? Would like to know: a/ Was insomnia an initial side effect that went away with time? b/ how long did it take for the insomnia to subside? c/ was the sleeplessness something... read more

Amitriptyline - Occasional Side Effect Question?

I have noticed that since starting amitriptyline for migraines that I am sometimes seeing things that are not there and it is making me very jumpy and a little anxious. Did anyone experience this when taking it? I have been on it for almost 2 weeks and it doesn't happen all the time, just... read more

Trintellix - How long does is take for the nausea to go away?

Just started my first dose last night and I was up till 4am because I felt so nauseous. I know side effects usually subside, I've always been sensitive to side effects. Had to stop taking Lithium because I could never get used to it. I'm on Lamictal as well. (150 mg) and don't have... read more

What is difference between Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, and XL?

Are they prescribed for different medical conditions? Do the pills contain different chemicals? Which of them causes the least side effects?

Has anyone taken Resotran for IBS?

I recently was prescribed a fairly need medication called Resotran. My pharmacist had never heard of it it is so new. I seem to be having a different side effect every day. The firsat day was the worst as the headache was unbelieveable. Since then I have had gas, dizzyness, sleepiness and thirst.... read more

Be Careful taking Vitamin D! If you are sensitive, there are numerous side effects, some quite?

... debilitating. Chest pain, joint pain, insomnia, fatique, itching, depression and much more!!! Please take small doses and work up gradually - and track any changes that are bothersome. Good luck!

Long term phentermine withdrawal?

I am 24 years old and began taking phentermine around the age of 22 (1.5 years to be exact). I wanted to lose weight so badly I never really bothered to do any research on the side effects. The "doctor" who provides the medication I am convinced does so to his patients for the mere profit... read more

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