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Shoulder Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 63 questions associated with Shoulder.

How long does it take once you stop prednisone for the side effects to go away?

How long does it take once you stop Prednisone for the side effects to go away? I feel like I've been hit by a truck. It's a very strange pain that I have in my hips, my shoulders, and my neck. I am borderline nauseous and lightheaded. It's been 5 days off the drug.

How long can I take naproxen?

For shoulder bursitis of which i have been suffering for months.

Can ADD medications like Adderall exacerbate fungal infections?

i started taking Adderall for AADD nine months ago. I broke out in lesions on my scrotum and arms. My right arm swelled and my shoulder became very painful. I went to my Doctor who said it wasn't a drug allergy and She didn't know what it was. Several months latter I went to see he again,... read more

Can I take naproxen if I am allergic to ibuprofen?

I came out with hives when I last took ibuprofen. I can tolerate aspirin (if that information help at all). My doctor has now proscribed naproxen for my frozen shoulder. My doctor (and the pharmacist) is aware of my allergy to ibuprofen, but said that it could be just ibuprofen or the whole NSAIDs... read more

Can Voltaren be used on my shoulder. The box said no back or shoulder?

I have pain in my shoulder joint.

Right shoulder feels like it has a heartbeat?

How bad will my acne get on accutane if I already been taking doxycycline ?

Ive recently been prescribed 20mg accutane. I've had Acne on my face, back, chest & shoulders since I was 13. I'm nearly 18 now. I've been taking doxycycline & tretinoin gel for the past couple months and I've been looking a lot better lately. I've already went... read more

I have pain in my shoulder/ arm that feel like I hit my funny bone?

Hi! I need help. I have had extremely bad pain in my shoulder/arm for about 7 months now. It is aggravated by exercise, but it doesn't actually hurt during the exercise. I have just noticed that the day after exercise (which involves simple stuff like running for as little as 15 minutes and... read more

Wellbutrin SR - Anyone getting muscle pain or tendinitis on Wellbutrin?

On it for 3 weeks and getting sharp pain and dull ache in shoulder and rotator cuff area. Also crying more easily over nothing. Don’t know if it’s related to the drug or not. Wondering if I should try it for one more week.

Prednisone to alleviate shoulder pain?

I went to the emergency room with severe pain in my left arm. Turns out the dr thinks I may have a torn rotator cuff and prescribed a five day supply of prednisone until I see my orthopedist. Pain in my shoulder is practically gone now. Is that because the prednisone is masking the symptoms or... read more

What is causing pain in my arm with Nexplanon?

I am having random, sharp pains in my arm where my Nexplanon implant is. The pain shoots all the way down into my hand and up into my shoulder. I typically gently rub the implant and the pain slowly subsides. I am also having head aches and lower abdominal and back pain. What could be causing this?... read more

Does Lamictal cause upper back pain?

If so, is this a bad reaction I should get checked out or will it go away over time? I just started Lamictal 6 days ago. I started experiencing this back pain in between my shoulders about 3 or 4 days ago. When I turn my neck I hear almost like a crackling type sound. But the back pain is my only... read more

Best pain medicine to take for severe pain that works with pregabalin?

I have been prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain ( bone on bone severe arthritis in both wrists, both shoulders, both feet have advanced arthritis & my back), twice a day. I take pregabalin for nerve damage (accidental cutting of nerve during back surgery causing dead nerves in one leg from knee to... read more

Will voltaren gel help my neck and shoulder pain?

I have arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Pregabalin - Little bit scared of Lyrica?

Hi, Have been prescribed this for cervical myelopathy with radiculopathy! (trapped nerved in neck at c6 with screaming pain in shoulder and loss of sensation / reflexes in arm lower arm and thumb and two fingers. However, unbeknown to my doctor (as the work of trauma specialists does not seem to... read more

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