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Shakes Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 19 questions associated with Shakes.

Panic disorder and anxiety disorder Prozac and Buspar?

I have very severe panic attacks that will cause me to shake uncontrollably and faint. My attacks are pretty painful but a pain that’s hard to describe. Anyway my doctor gave me 10mg of Prozac for anxiety with 5mg of Buspar due to my panic attacks. Does this work? I have tried Xanax before... read more

Sertraline - Dry mouth and hand shakes?

I’m currently coming up to 8 weeks on sertraline and I started feeling a big difference from week 6. I still get bad shakes seems to ease off as the day goes on and I’ve also got quite a dry mouth just wondering if anybody else was still suffering with this after being on them 7 weeks ?

Oxcarbazepine - Chest pain? Sudden spasms?

I'm curious if anyone experiences chest pain, burning in their chest, or stabbing feelings in their chest, and sudden shakes or short episodes of tremors on Trileptal. I'm having a lot of that and it's definitely not anxiety. In case this is important information: I'm not... read more

Clarithromycin - Clairthromycin side effects?

I have been on clarithromycin for 4 days so far and I have never felt so sick in my life! Such bad shakes and anxiety along with severe dizziness unable to keep my balance. Will these side effects eventually pass when I stop or will they have caused damage and be long term?

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