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Sex Questions (Page 30)

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Displaying 617 questions associated with Sex.

Seroquel - Seroquel and sexual dysfunction?

I just stopped Seroquel/Quetiapine I was on 25 mg for 17 days and it caused loss of libido and no sex drive. I just stopped it. Has anyone experienced this and when should those symptoms go away and be back to normal. I was put on it because it usually doesn’t cause it, but I am real... read more

Does the Plan B pill work if you take it before sex?

Me and my boyfriend wanted to have sex and we keep a spare Plan B around just in case but i had ran out of my birth control and he didn't have condoms. So i took the pill before we had sex. Will the pill work the same? Or do i need to go and get another one?

Light bleeding and cramping 7 days after taking Plan B. Is this normal?

I had sex using the withdrawal method on the 17th of October (which was 2 days after my periods got over), and had Plan B, 4 hours later. My cycle is pretty irregular. I take Omeprazole 20 mg since the last 2 months. 7 days after taking Plan B, I am experiencing moderate cramps, light bleeding, and... read more

Took Plan B one-step when the condom broke but no ejaculation occurred at any time. Will I be okay?

I usually have regular periods, I would get them every month. Although, I do notice that I would miss at least one or two months a year. Anyway, the last time I had my period was on September 26th which lasted for 6 days. After my period, I have had protected sex 2 times: October 4th and 8th.... read more

What does it mean if I have a white discharge after taking Plan B?

Me and my boyfriend had intercourse on my ovulation day and he came in me but I took a Plan B in less then 24 hours after that happened. What are the chances of the pill working?

Plan B side effects or implantation bleeding?!?

I took Plan B two hours after a condom broke during sex. It's been 5 days and I have a pink/orange discharge in my underwear, but when I wiped it was bright red blood (this just stared today). Should I be worried I'm pregnant or is it just the Plan B side effects?

Will cephalexin affect Plan B?

I had sex Sunday 9 pm Sunday night, and again on Monday around 8 pm. I took Plan B on Monday night after the sex. I took another Tuesday afternoon just to be safe because I also had sex Tuesday morning but he pulled out. I have a UTi and took a cephalexin today Wednesday morning. I’m just... read more

Bacterial Vaginosis, metronidazole, and anal-to-vaginal sex?

I feel so embarrassed about this, but I'm hoping someone out here can help especially if they have the same situation as me. I did anal to vaginal sex back in October - I know, not smart of me! I'm 100% positive this caused me to catch Bacterial Vaginosis. I was tested positive for it in... read more

I took a Plan B pill but threw up less than 30 minutes later but I didnt see the pill?

I had sex the day before i took the Plan B pill but i threw up 30 minutes after taking the pill I didn't see the pill. Would I have to retake it or did my body absorb the hormones already?

Monistat 1 can I have intercourse?

I used Monistat1 on Sunday night & it’s day 5 today. My symptoms are completely gone & no more white discharge from ovule I inserted. I’m aware it says seven days but can I have intercourse if my symptoms are gone?

Can I still get pregnant if condom slipped off after ejaculation but still on tip?

Me and my friend had protected sex after my period on january 5th and he ejaculated so when he pulled put he noticed that the condom was only on the tip! Can i still get pregnant?

Took morning-after pill and missed period for 43 days, normal ?

On April 15th I had sex with my GF and I used pull out method. On April 16th my GF took morning-after pill. (Her normal period was on 21th-23th)

Every time I have sex my clit gets swollen?

and painful and red like some skin comes off And there is a burning feeling. Also I never orgasm with guys, I only orgasm when I masturbate alone, is this normal? I know that I have no infection or std as I am clear or those. Any help for a swollen clit, red burning vagina and help for orgasm ?

Buspirone - Is BuSpar able to restore libido in post menopausal women?

I have always been a sex positive woman. My husband and I had sex everyday (sometimes multiple times per day) for twenty years. There was hardly a time when I didn’t have a fulfilling orgasm (or multiple). I am 40 and I had a total hysterectomy three years ago. This tanked my sex drive.... read more

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